Text, Lies, & Video

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Authors Note: omg, I love this episode! I really had fun writing this!

It's late of the evening and Henry, Charlotte and I are at Junk-N-Stuff. Henry wants to shoot a video of him transforming to his Kid Danger form and told Charlotte and I that, we completely disagree to do that since there's lots of reason we both denied the idea

" okay, I hope your daughter enjoys that guy's head"

I turn my head around to see my brother is talking to a woman who bought a guy head mask for some odd reason for her daughter

" oh, she is going to love this" the woman smiles down at the head mask and turn back to my brother, " and hey, if you get anymore boy's heads in, please let me know"

I bit my lips

" sure thing"

The woman turns back around when she's at the door

" you think I'm weird, don't you?" she asked my brother

" I do, yep" Henry answers while nodding his head

The woma left and Henry changed the sign to ' closed' and also closed the door

" all right, and we are closed" Henry announced as turning to Char and I

" yeehoo!" Charlotte cheered and I clap

" okay" Henry said as he gets his special bubble gum container out, my smile faded when I know he's gonna say next, " you two ready to shoot the video?"

" no" I answers, " we not ready to shoot anything"

" oh, come on, just do it" Henry said as approaching us two

Charlotte suddenly looks something behind the counter

" hey, look what I found"Charlotte said as grabbing something

" what?" I asked her curiously

She look back at my brother with letters ' N' and ' O', I bit my lips

" okay, what if Ray says it's okay?" Henry reasoned

" oh, you think Ray's going to say it's okay?" Charlotte asked him

" let's go ask him!" we three said the same time, " jinx! You owe me a coconut!"

" okay, you know, everytime I want to do something..." Henry began as we headed to the elevator

" we just want to be careful" Charlotte reasoned

It than turns out of an argument between us again. We went in the elevator but we stop argueing when Henry press the down button, we three scream and Henry lost his grib on his phone so it's now flying over our heads. The elevator stops and we walk out normally

" whatever!" I said to him as we approached Ray, " we're going to find out right now"

" it's too risky" Charlotte argued back

" you two gonna be like, ooh, I'm sorry Henry, you're right and I was wrong and you have to buy me a coconut!" we three said the same time again, " jinx, you owe me a coconut!"

" what's the beef, jerkies?" we hear Ray greeted us when we finished our little arguement

" okay, get this" Charlotte began to explain, " Henry wants us to shoot a video of him blowing one of his bubbles and transforming into Kid Danger so that he can watch the video and see what it looks like"

" will you tell him how insane that is?" I asked as I pointed to my brother

" oh my god!" Ray said shock

The Danger Continues: Henry Danger Book 2 [ COMPLETED ] Where stories live. Discover now