Ox Pox

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Authors Note: hello guys! I finally did it and power through my sickness, whoo! There's gonna be a special surprise at the end and tell me you're thoughts! And sorry if some of you ain't satisfied so I tried to make this chapter juicy. Enjoy!

Piper and I are looking for our dad so we can ask him something

" dad!" Piper shouted as we went downstairs

" dad not here!" I hear Henry said, I look at him to see he quickly turns off his Whitz Watch

Huh, did Ray call him?.

" why not?" Piper asked him

" he went to play golf" Henry explained as going to the door

" ugh, why?" I asked a little annoyed that dad plays golf most of the days

" cause it's Saturday and he's a dad" Henry answers, " what else is he gonna do?"

I follow him to the porch but once I reached the door it closed on me, I bit my lips and turn to the kitchen to see Piper eyeing on a cookie

Eating Henry's cookie will teach him a lesson.

I walk over to the kitchen and we both split a piece and plop it into our mouth. I nodded of satisfaction while chewing it. Moments later I hear Henry ran to the door, he opens it and sees us eating his cookie worried for some reason

" ah! The cookie!" Henry said with worry to himself, he runs over to us two stressed, " I-I gotta get it out of you two!"

He first pick Piper up and try to chuck the cookie outta her body while she screams. I shrugged and take another piece of the cookie till Henry's hand slap my hand and pick me up of doing the same thing he did with Piper

" ow! Okay, dude, that's a wrong-!"

I didn't finish when he harshly tossed me to the floor and on top of Piper. I got off her and we look at my brother confused as he looks at us of trying to explain himself

" what is wrong with you?!" I asked shock of his change of behaviour

Piper help me up and I excepted. She face back to my brother angry

" we eat one stupid cookie and you have a wazz attack?!" Piper screamed at him

" I, I was just tryin--!"

Henry didn't finish when Piper kick is leg very hard, she then take my arm and we both ran upstairs


Later on the day Charlotte told me I couldn't go to work and they'll be afraid if they told me the truth behind it. I shrugged it off

At least I have a day off.

Suddenly out of nowhere when I walk to Piper's room and open the door her eyes wide open of not taking her eyes off me. I look confused and look at myself to see I have these red spots like when you get a chicken pox from, I look at Piper and she already noticed she's getting them too. We both hug each other and scream while looking straight ahead

What's happening to us?!.


Kira Pov:

Charlotte told Paris that she couldn't come to work and we didn't want to scare her of she might die of the impact. Right now we waiting for Henry to come in the Man Cave

" how could you give Henry a cookie contaminated with comodium acetate?!" Ray shouted at Schwoz of breaking the awkward silence as we paced around

" I'm sorry!" Schwoz apologized, " it looks exactly like sugar! And I keep it in the kitchen! Right next to the sugar!"

The Danger Continues: Henry Danger Book 2 [ COMPLETED ] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن