Indestructible Henry Part 1

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Authors Note: hm... Something intersting going on between Kira and Ray? Just read to find out!

Henry and Ray went to safe people at a clock store, apparently during Henry went to get his phone a ticking time bumb name ' C-5 disrupter ' almost killed my brother. But luckily he ran out safely. Right now the two are back and Schwoz and Kira are checking Henry as he lies on a flat surface

" aw, this is all my fault!" Ray spoke up, " if it wasn't for me this never would have happened to Henry, I caused this, I'm to blame"

Charlotte and I look at him

" yeah" we agreed

" okay... Does that hurt?" Kira asked my brother as she's examined my brother

" nah" Henry answers with a smile, " it tickles!"

" I know" Schwoz smiles, " I do it to myself sometimes"

Kira give him a annoyed look

" come on you two!" Charlotte said to them, " you guys been examining Henry for twenty minutes, will you say something?"

" will you order me a corned beef sandwich?" Schwoz asked suddenly

I facepalm myself

" Schwoz!" I snapped at him

" what?"

" is Henry gonna be okay?" I asked with worry as gesturing to my brother

" I think so" Kira chimed in

" oh, thank god" I sighed of relief

" I'll take tuna salad on whole wheat" Ray looks at Charlotte

" hey..."

" what?"

" I'm not gonna get anybody any sandwiches!" Charlotte yelled

" I don't mean to interrupt, but my butt still hurts" Henry mentioned

Suddenly Ray and Schwoz snickers and Kira just crack a smile

" what's funny?" I asked the three

Kira's smile immediately faded and she cleared her throat

" he said ' but my butt." Ray answers

Charlotte and I give him looks, he stops and return to this problem

" now Henry" Kira said to him as she and Schwoz near the end of him, " pull your knees forward a bit"

" okay"

Henry does what he's told and Schowz started to scan Henry's butt

" now try to wiggle your hips" Schwoz instructed and Henry does just that but guess that doesn't seem to do it, " more wiggle"

" more?" Henry asked him when he stops

" yeah" Kira answers, " wiggle them like your a hula dancer trying really hard to get a hula job"

Henry wiggles faster this time but he cries in pain when we heard a snap, my eyes widen and Charlotte and I went up to the two as Schwoz put on his thinkin' glasses

" well?" I asked

" Henry had dislocated buttock" Kira explained as Schwoz nodded still has his glasses on

" what?" Henry asked

" well, how do we fix him?" Ray asked the two, " it... You know, the buttock"

" you" Kira pointed to Ray and I, " grab his ankles"

The Danger Continues: Henry Danger Book 2 [ COMPLETED ] Where stories live. Discover now