Chapter two

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Chris's POV

Nova was the light of my life. Now don't get me wrong I love her but she reminded me more and more of her mother. She's actually the spitting image of her mother I don't know how she's never clicked on to who she was. I knew it hurt nova more then she wanted to admit. And I'd tried to get her mother to talk to her and to tell her but ofcourse she wouldn't. For her own reasons I honestly couldn't understand. All I saw was my little girl needed her mother and hers wasnt doing that. I did try to keep her away at first. Honestly when I found out about nova parents and the crash her mother was the first person I told. I thought she could come with me to the hospital to collect novs  but no she didn't want any part in her life. She actually yelled at me for taking back custody of our child. I knew nova meant the world to her at one point. When nova was born she would refuse to put her down or hand her over to anyone. But that all seemed to change. But as time went on she wanted to meet nova but not as her mother. So we agreed along with our family that we wound never tell nova who her mother was. I think nova wouldn't  of cared but the longer we left it the more bigger it all got. Now In her mothers head there is no going back. She thinks- actually she never tells me what she thinks. It was a drunken night between friends that resulted in our little girl. And we did try to raise her but we were just kids ourselves and it was hard. We knew it was best for her to be raised by a family who could give her the love and attention she needed. She needed full time parents not  us who were there half the time. I love my child and that choice has always been a regret. I know why we did it but that doesn't mean I like it.

Novas POV

I started my day like any other. I got out of bed and did my morning routine. I had to go to set with dad today because we'll he refuses to leave me alone at home.

I went comfy today because all my day would consist of was school work and laying around watching everyone work

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I went comfy today because all my day would consist of was school work and laying around watching everyone work. " come on bubs!" Dad yelled and I ran downstairs this man hates being late but it doesn't help I'm lazy and will drag everything as long as I can.

We got into the car and dad smiled " what you're being creepy" I said and he laughed " i just remembered who's on set today" and I raised an eyebrow " who?" And he shook his head. How can you tell me that and then out say. In what planet was that even fair Christopher.

We got to set and we'll I always had to wear a badge to say I was authorised to be on set. I had a collection of them because that's how many I had. Dad thought I was a dork for doing that but it's cool memories and also who else gets to brag about being on so many movie sets? But from all of dads movies the marvel ones are my favourite. I'm a marvel geek so the fact I get to see parts of the movies before other is amazing. And I may or may not read dads scripts when he gets them because I'm inpatient. But seeing them movies at a premiere is a different experience.

While me and dad walked to his trailer I saw my favourite blonde. " Scarlett!" I yelled and she stopped walking and smiled wide at me. I ran to her and she pulled me into a hug. One thing I could say is Scarlett's hugs are unlike anything else. Always have been always will be. Dunno how she manages it but it's my favourite thing. " hey love I missed you" she said into my hair and I smiled. I hadn't seen her in a month because we've been in LA. Well now I know who dad was talking about. I looked back and dad had that smirk he always has when we hug. Like he's scared and happy at once. I did try to question him on it but just changes the subject. I pulled back from Scarlett and I saw her pout a little but I shrugged it off. " where's rose?" And she smiled " with her dad for the week" and I nodded I didn't realise it was his week with her. He's always been so nice to me but I can't help but think he knows something I don't. I always shrug it of thinking I'm losing the plot. And then I saw Lizzie walking towards us with her big smile. " Lizzie" I said while she pulled me into a hug. Now my aunts are big huggers Whenever Lizzie stays over she has to sleep in my beds she refuses to sleep else where and I don't mind. I'd never say it but I hate sleeping alone. It's the worst because I am prone to nightmares but when there is someone in my bed, even dad I just don't get them. I dunno the science behind but it's true. Now I knew I had school to do but I really did not want too. This year dad had me doing a different type of school. So I had to go in at least once every two weeks. His words along with my aunts were ' you need more social time with kids you're own age' which I understood. I thought it'd be hard to make friends but it wasn't. I clicked with my two best friends straight away Peter and Isaac. And then they pulled me into there friendship group. They all were great friends and they always looked out for me. Another reason why I don't go in that often is apparently my behaviour. Now this one is between me and dad. If my aunts find out I think I'll be skinned alive. And I really like living so no I don't want them finding out. Now Scarlett is a mother which means she has that glare that can scare the shit out of you without her even moving a muscle but Lizzie has it too. And honestly I avoid getting on either of there bad sides. Dad gets angry but he's easy to forget. I think it's the perks of being his only child. Scarlett always says he's too soft on me but I don't mind I like it. I hate that whole tough love it drives me up the wall. Talk to me like a normal
Person and I'll treat you like one. Dad and I understand that and we communicate.


The second chapter heheheheh

Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal
And get a good nights sleep

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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