The Third Task.

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"You know, I'm pretty proud of how this picture turned out... It's not something I'll be cringing over until I have to renew it in five years," (Y/n) said to Cassius, Freyja, and Merula. Freyja now had her baby back for the time being. (Y/n) was peering down at her flying license.
(Y/n) had changed out of her uniform and wore a simple black t-shirt with a short pencil skirt that small plaid print. She had black crew socks and a simple white pair of shoes. (Y/n) had designed frog dangly earrings that were changing colours from two different shades of red, green, and blue. She had one of Cassius' flannel jackets on and was hitting his arm with the sleeves.
"I've got your number on my hand," (Y/n) told him, beaming as she held out her scarred fists that had Cassius' Quidditch number on the back of them.

"You're so cute," Cassius mused.

"I am not!"

"You're rather hyper today," Merula said as they made for the Slytherin table. There were very excited greetings towards both Merula and Freyja, even more so than the ones they got at lunch (mainly due to fifth and seventh years being too busy studying to attend lunch).

"Gosh! Just a day ago you were all first, second, and third years!" Freyja exclaimed as they sat down. (Y/n) and Cassius hadn't eaten that much: both of whom were very nervous for different reasons. (Y/n) was reminded of her Divination O.W.L and Cassius, of course, was nervous for the final task.

"You've been eating, right?" Freyja asked (Y/n) in an undertone. She knew (Y/n) had a tendency to put her studies before her eating habits at times.

"Yeah. I have an apple today," (Y/n) whispered back.

"Just an—" Freyja cut herself off as the plates cleared themselves and Dumbledore rose to his feet at the staff table, causing the room to fill with silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes' time, I will be asking you to make your way down to the Quidditch field for the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Will the champions please follow Mr. Bagman down to the stadium now?"

"Hey, don't die," (Y/n) said rather teasingly as Cassius got to his feet, resulting in applause from the Slytherins. Cassius grinned down at her.

"I'll try not to," he said, equally as teasingly. (Y/n)'s amusement faded into genuine concern.


"I've got to go, (Y/n), okay? I'll stay safe," Cassius promised, placing his cloak on (Y/n)'s shoulders and kissing her forehead.

"Won't you need this?"

"Don't want it dirty." (Y/n) stared after Cassius as he joined Harry, Fleur, and Viktor, ruffling Harry's hair as they made for the Quidditch field.

"He'll be okay," Freyja assured, rubbing a hand up and down (Y/n)'s arm. "This competition isn't meant to kill them, after all."

"You're right... I'm just being paranoid," (Y/n) said.

"Over?" Freyja rose an eyebrow.

"During my Divination exam, I kept getting signs of tragedy," (Y/n) said. Doubt settled in Feyja, who never understood Divination. "And only the tragic signs were leading towards my love life so I'm just worried he'll get hurt... Dying is probably a bit of a stretch."

"No kidding," Freyja said, frowning. "Come on, let's go. I want to see my old children," she said, standing up. They walked rather slowly out of the Great Hall as they looked around. "Look, it's Chija!" Freyja exclaimed. "We're going to go say hi, hold him won't you?"

"Wha—" (Y/n) stared down at Rowan with wide eyes. She froze in her tracks, standing in the entrance hall with a baby in her arms and a look of utter bewilderment on her face. (Y/n) had absolutely no clue how to hold a baby and did so rather stiffly. Eventually warming up, she smiled down at Rowan and held him in the tenderest of ways, scared he'd break if she held him wrong.

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