Career Advice.

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"Good day to you, Miss (Y/l/n)!" greeted Professor Flitwick cheerfully as (Y/n) stepped into his office, closing the door behind her.

"Good day, Professor," (Y/n) smiled, tucking her skirt under her as she sat across from Professor Flitwick. "So how do we do these sorts of things?"

"We'll be talking out any career ideas you have and discussing which classes you will need to continue taking for your sixth and seventh years," said Professor Flitwick. "Have you thought at all about what you might be after Hogwarts?"

"Er... Not really," (Y/n) admitted. "Jumping right into something and dedicating my entire life to it doesn't sound all that appealing." Professor Flitwick hummed in acknowledgement might.

"Do you have a general idea of what you might want to be?"

"Well... I want to change the Wizarding world for the better."

"So an Auror, perhaps? Or a Ministry position that will, and I have no doubt about this, eventually give you the power or voice you may need?"

"That sounds tempting," (Y/n) agreed. "I really reckon I'll be able to become Ministress of Magic one day, but that isn't going to happen when I'm freshly eighteen..." Professor Flitwick laughed.

"No kidding," he said. "I will tell you, that you have the spirit to become Ministress of Magic one day. You've already got my vote." (Y/n) beamed and Professor Flitwick turned his attention to (Y/n)'s grades. "Hm... From the looks of things, you will be able to bring all of your classes to N.E.W.T. level... Even in your lowest classes, you still have the needed requirements... Professor McGonagall takes E's as does Professor Vektor... Unless, of course, you wish to take Advanced Arithmancy next year, then I suppose some improvement will be needed there... Very little, though. Might I ask the struggle in Transfiguration and Arithmancy?" he asked.

"I'm not 'math smart,'" (Y/n) said. "I've got the magic part down for Transfiguration, but the written portion, the theory, and the actual math behind it is where I struggle. I'm sure you can see the difference between my written exam and my physical exam." Professor Flitwick flipped through the packet he had, now looking at (Y/n)'s grades from last semester.

"Oh, yes..." Professor Flitwick said. "And for Arithmancy..." He trailed off. (Y/n) was good with Arithmancy, but it wasn't her finest subject. "What's the problem here?"

"The actual math, I suppose," (Y/n) sighed. "I'm not sure if I even want to take Advanced Arithmancy. On one hand, it's a good look, on the other hand I've just got more mediocre work to be handing in..."

"Advanced Arithmancy is not the same as N.E.W.T.-level Arithmancy," said Professor Flitwick. "Advanced is for those that do not make Professor Vector's requirement for N.E.W.T.-level, but still have the brain for nearly the same level. It, essentially, is the same class under different names."

"So N.E.W.T.-level would look better?"

"Yes, yes it would," said Professor Flitwick. "And for becoming an Auror, you will need at least five N.E.W.T.s, which I'm sure you will have no difficulties acquiring... I might suggest taking Transfiguration, for Aurors will need to transfigure and untransfigure themselves. Professor McGonagall requires 'Exceeds Expectations' and you have a ninety-five in her class; Defense Against the Dark Arts is a given... You meet the marks for Professor Moody's requirements, it appears; Potions is a must... Professor Snape requires 'Outstandings' and you have a one hundred and three in his class; Charms is always useful. You've got a one hundred and eight in my class, so I have no doubts I will be seeing you in my N.E.W.T. class next year.
"Of course, if you do not wish to be an Auror and instead work in a different field, there are other requirements... The Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will, likely, require N.E.W.T.s in Herbology and, of course, Care of Magical Creatures. There is always Law Enforcement... Your mum worked there. Magical Court is something you may be able to work up to. I doubt an eighteen-year-old would be accepted right off the bat."

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