Aboard the Hogwarts Express.

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"Thank you, Cass," (Y/n) said, smiling at Cassius Warrington, the sixth-year Slytherin prefect.

"No worries," said Cassius, not just letting go of (Y/n)'s hand. She had taken his hand to get on the train that she nearly would have missed.

"I didn't miss anything?"

"No. Head Boy and Girl are still reading the information they're supposed to tell us," Cassius said, taking a seat beside another Slytherin prefect: the girl equivalent to Cassius, in the same year as him. (Y/n) sat on Cassius' other side, greeting the Ravenclaw prefect she had been partnered with.
The twenty-four prefects— twelve sat on either side of the train, Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors on one, Ravenclaws and Slytherins on the other— waited patiently for their Head Boy and Girl to stop whispering to one another. (Y/n) could tell that the older prefects were sick of having to meet in here every year before patrolling the train. She, too, wanted to get their patrolling and introductions done quickly as she had a lot of catching up to do.

"All right! Fifth years, let's start with you lot," began the Head Boy. "You will have access to places other students aren't. The prefect bathroom is one of them—"

"What's the password?" asked a Gryffindor.

"We don't get that yet," said the Head Boy, grinning at the prefect. "But i'm sure you all can wait a day." The prefect rolled her eyes, smiling. "Next order of business: meetings and patrolling. There will be weekly meetings held at the same time and in the same place that has yet to be set up. You will have daily patrols after curfew— we work in pairs, here and you'll be paired with everyone in here at least once. You are allowed to take House points for just reasons. I don't want to hear about any points being taken away for breathing or something silly. You are not, however, allowed to take points away from your fellow prefects. If they are doing something that truly deserves docking points, you take it up with us or a professor."

"And now for the fun information!" beamed the Head Girl. "We'll be hosting Beauxbatons and Durmstrang this year."

"For an exchange program?" asked a Hufflepuff.

"You could call it that," the Head Girl said, her eyes twinkling. "Triwizard Tournament. You'll find out more tonight." There were some excited whispers from both sides. 

"Which Houses are hosting?" asked a Ravenclaw.

"That's up to them and the teachers," said the Head Girl. "But I'm suspecting Ravenclaw and Slytherin as they have the least number of students." The Slytherins and Ravenclaws grew more excited while the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs moped. "But who cares where they sit? Our goals are to make them feel welcomed. They'll be here for most of the year, after all... Now, get to patrolling. Three to a car."
Cedric nodded his head at (Y/n), who glared at him, getting up nonetheless. Cassius joined her and only when they reached the last car did (Y/n) acknowledge Cedric.

"You're a complete arsehole!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"Me?" both boys asked.

"You!" she said, pointing at Cedric. "Going for my best friend? Honestly!"

"What do you mean?"

"She's sitting with you over me!"

"That's what you're fussing about?" Cedric mused. "(Y/n), it's not like we're sitting alone."

"She chose you over me! Four years of friendship for what?" (Y/n) frowned.

"Sounds like you're jealous," Cassius hummed, casually peering into a compartment and shaking his head in disgust at the couple inside.

"Jealous?!" (Y/n) fumed. "Of what?"

"Who knows?" Cassius smirked, glancing at (Y/n). "Is it Chija for sitting with Cedric or Cedric for sitting with Chija?" (Y/n) gaped at him.

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