Cat Fights.

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"Ouch!" (Y/n) cried as Lily blotted disinfectant right above (Y/n)'s chest. The shower she took was very refreshing indeed, though the water that went down the drain was quite filthy, taking away from the warmth she got from the water and being cleaned.

"Sorry," Lily apologized for what must have been the nth time. "Merlin, (Y/n), what'd you get in a fight with? A Wampus?"

"Cheek was from my own clumsiness. I scraped it on a tree," (Y/n) said, subconsciously reaching up and holding her bandaged cheek. Lily had used medical tape to keep in place a rather large bandage.

"Didn't know trees could do that much damage," Lily huffed.

"Me either," (Y/n) mumbled. "And it especially hurt because I couldn't get away from the branch due to the chaos going on." Lily's eyes flickered up and away from the cut she was disinfecting. Her eyes lingered on (Y/n)'s hand and (Y/n) immediately tucked it back under her arm.

"...did they burn you?" Lily asked.

"I've always had burn scars, Lilypad," (Y/n) said. "What do you think I wear gloves for?"

"But..." Lily trailed off. She couldn't even remember a time (Y/n) didn't wear gloves other than when she was young. "How'd you get them?"

"...Mum," (Y/n) said slowly. Lily's eyes flew back up to meet (Y/n)'s, her eyes wide. 

"Was it an accident?"

"...I like to believe it was. She was regretful?" (Y/n) tried half-heartedly. Lily gently untucked (Y/n)'s hands to stare down at the discolouration from the scars she then peppered (Y/n)'s hands in kisses. "Lily!" (Y/n) whined, trying to pull her hands away.

"Oh, I just love, love, love all of you and your scars!" Lily cooed almost mockingly. (Y/n) groaned, trying to hide her hot face. "And the fact that you'd hide something so, so beautiful—!"

"Lily? (Y/n)?" Dorcas Meadowes asked, knocking her fist against the door. Lily stepped away and opened the door. "Still not done?" Dorcas jokingly scolded as she stepped inside, holding (Y/n)'s folded pyjama pants and one of the Weasleys' (she wasn't sure which) jackets.

"Have we taken that long?" Lily mumbled.

"Well, the cycle was pretty quick because there was like four total pieces in there," Dorcas said. 

"How long has it been?"

"Mmm... about forty-five minutes," Dorcas said. "Should I tell Mary she can start the... tea...?" Dorcas trailed off, surveying (Y/n) and then the hands held by Lily. She decided against asking about it, assuming (Y/n) would spill everything when they got downstairs.

"Yeah, go ahead," Lily said. "I just need to do her stomach... Will you get me a wrap? I didn't realize how big her cuts were..."

"Sure thing," Dorcas said, setting the clothes on the closed toilet, exiting the bathroom, and locking the door behind her.

"On the counter," Lily instructed, stepping away from (Y/n) to get more cotton balls, disinfectant, and a bandage for (Y/n)'s chest. (Y/n) obliged, swinging her legs back and forth before Lily stepped back in front of her.

"I could've done thing myself, you know?" (Y/n) grumbled as Lily held a bandage to the gash on (Y/n)'s above chest before taping it in place with the medical tape.

"Yes, but I'm a trained Healer," Lily mused.

"Me too."

"No you aren't," Lily scoffed, a smile playing on her lips.

"I visit Madam Pomfrey enough to be one!"

"That's not a good thing, (Y/n)," Lily scolded. "Unclench your muscles. It'll hurt less."

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