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"Careful, those could be poisoned," Angelina said anxiously, eyeing the box of chocolates (Y/n) was angrily eating a piece of chocolate from. Plans wound up changing and rather than having Fred, George, and Lee for a Quidditch game, Angelina got Alicia, Katie, and Chija (in addition to Ginny).

"They're from Hermione," Ginny said, holding up her own box of chocolates. "I doubt she'd put a love potion in (Y/n)'s chocolate."

"They're for members of S.P.E.W," Chija chirped, holding her own box of chocolates and beaming at Hermione, who was tagging along to be the scorekeeper.

"Hey, who even did you fall in love with when you got... drugged last year?" Alicia asked curiously. They all stared questioningly at (Y/n), who was taking her time holding her chocolate in her mouth.

"I'd prefer not to talk about it," she finally said. "That was a very dark time and you guys joking about my trauma is not very nice." Alicia snorted.

"Any plans for Valentine's?" Angelina asked, changing the subject.

"Valentine's is a consumerist holiday that serves no purpose other than to make people feel lonely and those that do have a Valentine's date buy overpriced chocolates, bears, flowers, and other heart-shaped crap," (Y/n) fumed.

"(Y/n)!" Cassius shouted, waving her over. Reluctantly, she walked over to Cassius. "I wrote you a poem."

"Oh— You did?" (Y/n) asked tearfully. The Gryffindors and Chija eyed (Y/n) with slight annoyance at her sudden turnaround for Valentine's day. Angelina was the only one that was amused.

"Valentine's is a consumerist holiday that sells overpriced heart-shaped crap," Katie mocked in a high pitch when a lovestruck (Y/n) returned with a bouquet of flowers and a very bright smile.

"Oh, bug off," (Y/n) scoffed. "It's not my fault you're single and don't have a partner to spoil you on a day for love."

"If I had a partner I wouldn't use Valentine's as an excuse to spoil them!" Katie protested. "I'd spoil them every day of the year because I'd love them so, so much and don't need a 'consumerist' holiday to tell me what to do!"

The last thing Alicia, Katie, and Chija expected was to get utterly obliterated by Angelina, Ginny, and (Y/n)'s team. Originally, Alicia, Katie, and Chija had a fifty-point lead (all of which had been scored by Alicia and Katie, for Chija wasn't used to being a Chaser), but once Angelina, Ginny, and (Y/n) got used to working as a team, the game took an almost immediate turn with the girls working in perfect sync.

"You should join our Quidditch team with me next year, (Y/n)," Chija said when they had finally called it quits. 

"I don't think I'll have any chemistry with an almost all-boy team," (Y/n) mused.

"Well, you didn't have any trouble reading our moves," Angelina commented. "I'm all for friendly rivalry, (Y/n). You should consider at least trying out."

"I don't know..." (Y/n) mumbled. "We'll see how I feel after I pass my Flying Test in June," she said.

"That far away? Are you doing it with the first years?" Ginny asked.

"No. I'm doing it on June twenty-five, which should be the last day of our—" she motioned to Katie and Chija "—O.W.L.s."

"I forgot about those..." Katie murmured. 

"You'll be having career advice meetings with your Head of Houses after spring break... that's when I got mine, anyway," Angelina said.

"Oh. We've still got time to figure that all out," Katie said.

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