Chapter 24: "I promised to protect him" Part 2

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Mikkeli and Byron, above

Hannah POV

When other Alphas entered the room, I could literally feel the tension building up. 

I don't care how, but I want this to end with suffering; I want them to be punished painfully.

Mikkeli sits behind his desk; Tony is on his right as I stand on his left side. I'm close enough so both he and Byron could smell me all the time. Ryan with Hank is sitting in front of the desk opposite Mikkeli; well, Ryan sits while Hank is standing behind his chair. 

Four other Alphas are also present. Two of them are Mikkeli's friends: Alpha Damon and Alpha Natasha. The other two are, of course, Alphas, who used to spend so much time with Alpha Ryan. Well, I guess they're all here to make sure that Ryan and Mikkeli won't kill each other.

I don't like the way Ryan is looking at us, almost offended, as if his being here was humiliating. He should feel humiliated after what his warriors have done. Hank avoids looking at Mikkeli; he seems to be tired and embarrassed. And Mikkeli, well, his eyes keep shifting between his normal ones and his wolf ones. He's still tensed, and I can feel that Byron is still very close to the surface, still ready to snap anytime. 

That's why I'm even here. I've managed to calm Mikkeli enough, but both he and Tony were unsure what could happen if Ryan said something triggering, so that's why I had to stay, and that's why Tony and I are standing so close to Mikkeli.

"Well, I'm sure today's event was unfortunate, and I deeply apologize for my warriors' misconduct, but I don't think there is any reason to make it any bigger than it is," Ryan says.

Misconduct?  Fucking bastard, how dares he try to say it's nothing! They were holding Kyle for two hours!

Mikkeli doesn't respond just keeps banging his fingers on his desk, and he doesn't look at Ryan.

"Your warriors gang-raped our pack member; that's not misconduct; that's a crime," Tony says in a stern voice. "We have two witnesses for that, and one of them is your Beta."

"And according to you, Beta Hank, what happened?" Alpha Damon asks before Ryan has a chance to say anything.

"I witnessed the rape, our warriors dishonored themselves, and they deserve harsh punishment," Hank says with no emotions in his voice, but his eyes tell me that he is at least as furious as I am at the moment.

Ryan snorts and sends a death glare toward Hank, who doesn't react.

"Well, if that's the case, they will get punished and..."

"I want them dead," Mikkeli stops tapping with his fingers; the glare he sends towards Ryan makes almost everybody flinch.

Ryan gulps and keeps quiet for a moment as if he is considering his options.

"No, I disagree. They should be punished, but I oppose sacrificing six promising warriors because of the one used omega. It's simply not worth it."

Before Mikkeli launches, I quickly put my hand on his shoulder, squeezing a little bit. He clenches his fists; all the wolves in the room seem ready to attack, observing Mikkeli cautiously. He takes a deep breath and slowly unclenches his fists. I understand his struggle. I have big problems with keeping myself calm too. 

"I want them dead," Mikkeli repeats slowly. His voice is void of any emotions.

"And I won't allow it; I promise I will punish them severely!"

"They at least deserve to be publicly whipped, in front of all the warriors, and stripped of their rank," Tony decides to speak again. I can see that Natasha and Damon nod in agreement alongside one of the two other Alphas.

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