Seokjin sighed, "Take off your t-shirt."

Namjoon tried to take the t-shirt off but winced. Seokjin put the cotton stab down and helped him out of the t-shirt. There was a cut on his side. It wasn't too deep, but Seokjin didn't want it to get infected. After patching it up, Seokjin looked at Namjoon, "Now, tell me what happened exactly."

Namjoon gulped, "I-I came here at 7:35. But no one was there so I entered the house and waited for you. After a while, the door opened and I thought I would greet you in the middle, but I saw that man standing there. I got scared because he saw me too."

"Who are you?" Namjoon said with wide eyes.

"Fuck, they said it would be empty." The man took a knife out of his pocket and went for Namjoon immediately.

Namjoon took a vase from the table and threw it towards the man and ran inside. He took out his phone and tried to call someone, but the man cut Namjoon's arm and his phone fell from his hand, "Fuck!" Namjoon winced.

The next attack was on his waist. Namjoon covered his side and then looked around. He found golf set in the corner. He quickly went there and picked out one of the sticks. When the man ran towards him, Namjoon hit his hand with the stick. The knife fell from his hand and before he turned to Namjoon, Namjoon swung the stick again. It hit the head of the man and he fell down.

Namjoon's eyes started to get wet, "When I checked upon him, he wasn't breathing. I didn't check his pulse because I was scared." He looked at Seokjin, "Hyung. The police will take me away, right? I won't be able to become a lawyer. I don't want to get arrested, hyung. It was really self-defence. I don't want to get arrested."

Seokjin cupped Namjoon's cheek and made him look at Seokjin, "Hey, Joon-ah, look at me. No one is taking you away. Not until I am standing in front of you. Understood? And I will always stand with you. So don't think too much." He went to the wardrobe and came back with an oversized hoodie, "Wear this and try to sleep. Okay? I am out in the living room, if you need anything, just call out for me and I'll come in."

Namjoon nodded and laid down on the bed. Seokjin covered him up with the blanket and waited till Namjoon closed his eyes. As soon as he went out, he saw Yoongi entering the house. "Hyung. Are you okay?"

Seokjin nodded, "Yeah, I am fine."

Yoongi looked around the living room. There was a broken flower vase on the entrance and a bloodied knife lying near the couch. He was followed by five people. "What happened?"

Seokjin narrated whatever Namjoon told him briefly. "The body is behind the couch. Start cleaning up and make sure no one knows what happened here."

Yoongi looked at the man behind him. His hair was yellow and had piercings on his ears, eyebrow, and lips. "Yeonjun, clean the house. Make sure to wash the blood off thoroughly. It shouldn't be found even with the UV light."

Yeonjun nodded and looked at the boy behind him, "Get to work. Soobin, clean the blood. Taehyun, Hueningkai, send the body to Japan." He looked at Yoongi, "Hyung, are there cameras in the hallway?"

Yoongi nodded, "Yes."

Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu, "Erase the image of this man coming here from every camera in this building and the streets." Beomgyu nodded and sat on the kitchen counter with his laptop.

The door opened revealing Hoseok, "Oh my god. Hyung, are you okay?"

Seokjin nodded. "Take a look at the man. Do you know him?"

Hoseok went to the body and scanned his face closely. "Oh, he has a lot of cases against him. Wait." Hoseok gasped, "He works for Munsu."

Seokjin's jaw clenched, "Make sure whatever happened here doesn't get out." He took out his phone and called someone. "Start your actual plan. Did you find the mayor?"

No. But I think I am coming closer.

"Someone tried to break into my house." Seokjin chewed his lower lip.

Oh my god! Are you okay?

Seokjin nodded, "Yeah. What can happen to me? Don't mess things up and stay safe."

Eyy, let me do it my way. I won't get caught.

Seokjin hummed and cut the call. After about five hours, the house was squeaky clean. Everyone left after their work was finished. Seokjin changed into more comfortable clothes and lay down beside Namjoon. He was going to take another room first, but then he thought maybe Namjoon would need him.

He was right. Almost 4 in the morning, Seokjin woke up due to a sniffling voice. He turned around and looked towards Namjoon. "Joon--ah..." He tried to wake Namjoon up but Namjoon kept crying. "It's okay. It's just a dream." Seokjin patted his head. Namjoon turned around and buried his head in Seokjin's chest. Seokjin's brain stopped functioning for a few seconds. He just patted Namjoon's head and closed his eyes.

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