Chaper 7

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Yoda's pov

"This war is dragging on too long, and now we've lost many of our own," Master Koon stated "troubling, this is. Even more so, with the recent betrayal," I said "I never thought he would join the Sith," Master Kenobi said "we gave him a chance to change his darker ways," Master Mundi said "Master Yoda, what do you say we do?" Master Windu asked "try to bring him in, we must, know why, we must," I replied, the rest of the council agreed and we began moving onto other topics.

Palpatine's pov

I arrived at the Separatist base, about to meet my apprentice's apprentice. I walked through the halls until I reached the command room. "Ah, my apprentice," I said "Master, are you ready to meet him?" Dooku asked kneeling "yes, bring him in," I ordered. After about a minute a hooded man walked in, "my lord," he said kneeling once he was in front of me. "Tell me boy, why is it you chose the Sith over the jedi," "my master is also my father, and the jedi wronged me for many years," he stated "kill him, kill your father," I ordered, he looked up in surprise "yes, my lord," he said and killed Dooku. He kneeled again, "rise, my new apprentice," I said and he stood up "you are now Darth Xuin," I announced. I left after that.

Mace's pov

"Lord Xuin, what is your first command?" A droid asked "we attack Republic systems, tell General Grievous to meet me at my ship," I ordered.

I walked to my ship and saw that the droids were all getting onto the transport ships. "Ah, Lord Xuin, what is the plan?" General Grievous asked "we will both take half the droid army each and attack Republic systems until it is nothing but Coruscant, we will enslave the jedi," I explained "is there anyone I am not allowed to kill?" "Yes, you are not allowed to kill any jedi padawans or masters, I want to be the one to kill those," I ordered "yes Master," he said and got into his ship. I walked to my quarters and began to communicate with Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka," I said "huh? Mace? Why are you contacting me?" She asked as I appeared in her quarters "I am Darth Xuin now, I need you to tell the high council you got information, of Separtist forces attacking Republic systems," I said "wait... Darth?" "Yes, I am the new Sith apprentice, now go, I've ordered Grievous to take half the droid army to do so. Please be safe," I replied and stopped communicating.

Ahsoka's pov

I practically ran to the high council's chamber to find everyone is here. "Padawan Tano, why are you here?" Master Kenobi asked "I intercepted a transmission between Mace and Grievous, they're both taking half of the droid army to attack Republic systems," I explained. "Are you sure of this?" Master Windu asked "yes," I replied "this is troubling, but likely a ploy to lead us away from Coruscant," Master Mundi said "do you really think Dooku would do that?" Master Windu asked "I believe Dooku is dead masters, because that in the transmission Mace was being called 'Darth Xuin'," I stated "that traitor has some nerve," Master Kenobi said "we cannot let them do this though, it will cripple the republic and jedi order alike," Master Plo Koon said "we are going to need every trooper to counter this threat," Master Ti added "agreed," Master Kenobi replied "you may leave now Padawan Tano," Master Windu said and I left the room.

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