Chapter Two- Orange Rolls and Bacon

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Izabelle was excited. Today was her birthday. Probably. She was turning sixteen! If she hadn't already. She hopped out of bed and opened her window. A breeze blew in and lifted her blankets and hair up. "Whoa!" Izabelle exclaimed. 

She changed out of her pajamas and put on her clothes. She raced down the stairs to eat breakfast. "Orange rolls!" she yelled excitedly. "And bacon and orange juice, your favorite," said her adoptive mother. "Thanks, Mom!" Izabelle replied happily. Her adoptive dad came in and wished her a happy birthday on his way to work. 

Izabelle wolfed down her delicious breakfast and grabbed her backpack. She ran outside to retrieve her homework. A gust of wind carried it into her backpack. Izabelle reached in to adjust it, but found it perfectly straight. "Weird," she said to herself. 

She kept thinking about the weird winds until she reached Eve's house. Eve ran out to meet her and they then walked to Flora's car. "Happy birthday, honey," Flora said kindly. Her voice always reminded Izabelle of dripping, sweet honey. Part of it was probably because Flora always called her 'honey'! 

"Time for your first gift of the day!" Eve announced. She took out a wrapped box and handed it to Izabelle. 

Izabelle opened it and found a white and blue bracelet with a silver cloud charm. There was something about the bracelet; it seemed like it was sort of calling her. It seemed almost-- magical. She slipped it on her wrist. 

"Thanks, Evie!" Izabelle said as Flora turned on the car and drove them to the school. "Oh, look at that!" Flora said. "There's a streetcar going to the school!" "Cool!" said Izabelle, excited. 

Flora turned into the parking lot and Eve got out. Izabelle was getting out too. She headed toward the sidewalk that led to the school. "Bye, darlings!!" Flora called. "Better run along now, you would not want to be late!" "Alright, Mom," Eve replied. Flora smiled at her. "Come on!" Izabelle urged, and the friends took off. 

The first bell was sounding in the distance. She sprinted forward. The sidewalk was just the right height for running. Her lungs filled with oxygen with each new breath. She put on a burst of speed and was on the school grounds in seconds. 

She entered the school, twisting her new bracelet. And then a boy walked past her and her cheeks turned bright red. Her heart did a little fluttery thing. It was Liam. Probably the cutest guy in the school. At least, in her opinion.Thinking about him, she walked into her first class, which was English. And she just happened to be in the same class as Liam.


The rest of the day was boring. Algebra, fractions, french vocabulary words, Newton's law of gravity, blah, blah, blah.
She walked outside the school, excited for the day ahead of her.

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