Louis this is NOT a Family show! ~ Chapter 12

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The bakery across the street
(Harry's POV)

It's 4:50am on a Friday morning and if I don't leave now, I'm late for work. I forgot to set my alarm yesterday and if I wouldn't have had another nightmare again, I wouldn't have woken up already. So here I am not even brushing me teeth or tying my shoes before I leave my apartment. As I finally step inside of the bakery it's already 5:05am.

"Hello?" I say as I put on my apron and walk towards the kitchen, but I didn't get any answer. To my surprise I'm still the only one here even tho Lena and Ally are supposed to be back from their vacation today and Max Is called in sick since Wednesday. Which meant that my Chef, Mister Collins, and I we're the only ones here. And I mean he's a nice guy and all, but I prefer to work with my coworkers cause than it's more fun. Honestly, I miss these little pebbles.

I was just humming a song while rolling the dough for the bred when All the sudden I could feel someone hugging me from behind making me jump. I almost push the person off of me but then I see who it is, I almost throw myself at them
"Allyyyy and Lena! I missed you guys so much" I scream excitedly and embrace both of them in a tight hug. It's just been a week without seeing my other two best friends, but it felt like I haven't seen them for ages.
"Hi Harry" ally chuckles in my neck since I still didn't let them go
"We missed you too Harry, but could you let us go because we need to breath" Lena says smiling at me with a light chuckle.
"Oh, yea right sorry" I laugh the others joining in

The next 40 minutes we spend with baking and me filling them in on what happened with Louis, and then talking about their holidays and how cool it was in Spain.
After that I started to set the tables and clean the Counters. The girls continuing to make cookies, bred, etc. After everything was ready, I joined in to help them decorate. I started humming that song again since it just won't get out of my head

"Harry? What song is that?" Lena asks adding a few smarties on the cookies.
"Oh, it this Song called fool's gold, Louis sang it when we were babysitting Stella" I say continuing to make the dough for the scones. I always make them last, so they're still warm when Louis comes here.
"Interesting" Ally says and they both smirk at each other
"What? It's a good Song alright" I chuckle "besides don't even think about it Louis is straight and that would never happen" I say and concentrate on the dough again
"Sure, whatever you say big guy" Lena says and bumps her hip into mine playfully. I just role my eyes but can't help to smile

After a while we were finally done with everything and could put them on their tray. Five minutes before Louis usually arrives, the scones are finished.
"Okay, why did you all the sudden, start to make the scones on a daily basis" Lena smirk at me again with a knowing look.
"Pff, I don't know what you're talking about and-" just than Louis stepped inside

I could feel how I automatically started smiling my dimples on display. It's like Louis lights up my world. I just watch him walking over, looking as beautiful as always. I started blushing when I realized how Ally and Lena were looking at me. They had a smudge look on their faces but also kinda pleasing?

"Hi Harreh" he says my name like Stella did a few days ago, smiling at me looking so adorable I want to cuddle him and the butterflies erupting in my stomach again. It's been like that since Monday. I mean yes, I know I like him, but it wasn't like me constantly having the urge to cuddle him or hold his hand. And after Eleanor had ruined my mood on Tuesday, Louis just had to smile at me, and I was happy again.

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