[8]"Ready, set, kill!"

Start from the beginning

"Are you ready?" Shouted Tony, snapping you out of your thoughts. With nods from either side he spoke again, "ready, set, kill!"

Petes robot flew forward pushing yours back before you veered around back into the centre. Both teams were cheering for their side whilst you and Pete were silent with concentration. Your small box-looking robot spat small ball bearings out at the other unfortunately only causing small dents. Unbeknown to everyone, except maybe Tony with his smirk, that wasn't an attack but rather scoping to see what metal he used to prepare for an attack later.

Pete seemed to be winning as his small arms hit yours over and over making bigger and bigger dents until small cracks appeared, but it didn't worry you. When he split the shell of your robot, his side cheered and whooped out loud until a small arm extended out and zapped him with what appeared to be electricity. He looked worried so you called over to be annoying "what's wrong Pete? Are your controls malfunctioning?"

He didn't look happy about this until he smiled at looked back down. His robots arm began to raise until it was pointed straight at yours. Keeping your face as straight as possible to not give anything away, he shot a web at the small arm making the bolts of electricity stop. He teased back using the same words as you, "what's wrong y/n? Are your controls malfunctioning?" All the boys on the other side clapping and high fiving each other while all your side except Wanda looked sad.

"Y/n you say the word and I'll throw a blade straight through his robot, no one will know", said Nat. "Ha thanks Nat but don't worry he's playing exactly as i predicted", you replied giving her a smirk. It filled your team with confidence and intrigue.

You let Pete have his moment before sending bolts of electricity down through his webs fusing the rubber tubing making them unusable. For the next five minutes you both attacked using different methods each getting the high ground before falling behind again. Both looking very worn it, it seemed it could still go either way.

Pete hit yours with a strong swing pushing it onto its side. This time Clint shouted, "uh oh! Looks like your robots broke y/n! What you gonna do now?!"

Wanda whispered into your ear, "come on lets put him out his misery". You smiled back before typing on the laptop. Your robot looked as if hundreds of small bugs scattered from the centre and it slowly build up higher until it was twice the size as before yet still half the size of Petes. The cracks in the surface slowly began to disappear and now it looked brand new. You looked smug as you shouted, "does it look broken now Barton?!"

Everyone including the other two men on Petes team let out small laughs. Tony spoke for the first time, "nice! You remembered what I taught you about nanotech!"

You let Pete hit at you for a few more moments before looking back at your team, "are you guys ready?" You took the nervous glances as a yes and pressed a button. At first nothing happened until a small whirring noise started getting louder. Slowly, a red circle began to encapture your robot causing Petes hits to rebound, he couldn't get to you.

He started to complain, "Mr Stark! That's not fair Wanda can't help her!"

You defended yourself, "she isn't doing anything!" Everyone, even Tony, looked confused but he still figured it out first. "Y/n how the hell did you do that!"

Not wanted to get into the details you briefly explained, "well i wanted to make a tiny arc reactor like your suits so I could power all the adjustments I planned on making then I wondered if I could find a way to trap some of Wanda's power inside it. So I asked her if she could transfer a tiny bit into the centre, then I used the particles spinning around inside the arc reactor to project the power out. It only works on small distances because I didn't know how stable it was at higher amounts".

No one said anything except stare at the small red ball glowing in front of them. You decided this was a good time to finish the fight, you were getting hungry. With another push of a button a small red light reached out to Petes bot, surrounding it, slowly creating small cracks in the metal before it fell to the floor in pieces.

Still in shock no one cheered, but Wanda gave you a pat on the back. Tony was the first to speak, "oh. My. God. You HAVE to teach me how you did that! Imagine that in my suit! We would be untouchable!"

Steve, who must have got over it now, picked you up throwing you in the air and catching you back down making you giggle, "that was amazing baby girl!" He covered your cheeks in kisses before putting you down and celebrating with Nat.

Pete ran over from his side to hug you, "you could have destroyed me from the start with the nano tech alone! Now this! Why didn't you?" He seemed really intrigued so you answered him.

"I really wanted to see what you had built I honestly didn't expect you to have so many attack options. And your wheels are a complete decoy y couldn't see the hidden continuous wheel track underneath!"

He grinned at the compliments, "thank you next time we should work together imagine what we could build!!"

"That's a great idea! I bet we could even beat Tony in his suit!" You replied giving you both an amazing idea for the future.

This time Bucky picked you up and span around with you, "that was great doll!" For a while everyone stood in a circle complimenting you and Pete on your designs, discussing their favourite moments until Tony spoke. "Y/n do you fancy going to my workshop and showing me how you did it?"

You thought before replying, "nah I'm hungry lets get lunch". Everyone laughed including Tony as they walked inside to start making it. You picked up the laptops and walked with Pete over to the bots. "Sorry I destroyed it".

He replied sounding genuinely ok, "that's fine I assumed it would be anyway".

You smiled up before pressing some buttons. The nanobots moved around as pieces of metal fell off revealing your tiny red arc reactor before re assembling back around it in a smaller fashion. You shoved it into your pocket and turned to Pete. "Last one inside loses! You don't wanna lose again Parker!" You ran in at super soldier speed so Pete used his webs to beat you to the kitchen.

On the basketball court, all that was left were two piles of metal scraps.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now