Chapter 30

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Yuzu, Harumin, and Matsuri were at the Karaoke place. Yuzu's body trembled and started breathing heavily
"Here you go" Matsuri said handing her the special berries
"Hehe thanks" Yuzu said and ate them. She then looked down and sighed
"Come on Yuzucchi. Cheer up" Harumin said petting her head softly
"Harumin..." Yuzu whimpered
"There there Mama Harumin is here for you" Harumin said and held Yuzu closely to her chest
"See I told you. That bitch is a slut..." Matsuri said
"Shut up Matsuri you're not helping" Harumin said
"Pfft...whatever" Matsuri said rolling her eyes. She opened her phone checking the time
"Hey Yuzu-chan are you ready to call out Mating season?" Matsuri asked
"Huh? Call out?" Yuzu asked
"Your Alpha. Once it gets dark and the full moon appears you have to howl telling everyone that Mating season has begun" Matsuri said
"Oh I got it" Yuzu said
"Is it difficult to control those animal instincts?" Harumin asked
"Well when you're little yeah it gets a bit hard to control them but you get used to it and able to control it a but once you grow older" Yuzu said
"What about that heat sensation?" Harumin asked
"Oh Taniguchi-senpai. That sensation is the same feeling when you're horny" Matsuri said licking her lips making Harumin blush
"Well yeah but that sensation is much worse for a half animal human" Yuzu said
"I bet it's even worse for you Yuzu-chan. I mean your heat is like 10 times worse than a regular wolf" Matsuri said
"Yeah...hehe" Yuzu said and leaned against Harumin enjoying her warmth
"Yuzu-chan...what are you going to do about Mei?" Matsuri asked
"Ugh don't even mention her name..." Yuzu said and groaned pinning her ears down
"Don't blame her Yuzucchi...I mean she's popular and every girl in school likes her" Harumin said
"Hehe but you could get revenge on Mei. Yuzu-chan is very popular and everyone loves her thanks to me" Matsuri said smiling and wagging her fox tail
"You mean by taking her to a gay club and getting her drunk then letting her dance like a stripper making her earn money and admirers" Harumin said
"Hehe yep! You should thank me Yuzu-chan. You wouldn't have come this far because of me" Matsuri said
"Hmm? Well you did help me get a job, got me into a fight with Raina but I won, and got drunk then danced earning money and many admirers" Yuzu said
"All thanks to me" Matsuri said
"Hehe yeah and I repaid you since you have those girls that admire you" Yuzu said
"Yeah hehe" Matsuri said and panted softly
"That heat isn't it?" Harumin said. Matsuri nodded and shifted into her small fox form and went up to Harumin then layed down on her back. Harumin then rubbed her tummy softly which was what Matsuri wanted. Yuzu stared at them and sighed
"Mei never treats me like that..." Yuzu said
"Hm? Well I mean the Prez is really hard to understand" Harumin said
"Yeah tell me about it. I mean I told her I love her but...she just told me to get out" Yuzu said
"The Prez has heard plenty of confessions from girls..." Harumin said
"Yeah..." Yuzu said pinched ears down. Harumin looked at her friend and scratched her ears softly
"Wanna belly rub?" Harumin asked. Yuzu's face lit up and shifted into a dog then layed down on her back. Harumin giggled and rubbed her tummy softly. Yuzu and Matsuri were both relaxed enjoying Harumin's belly rubs. Matsuri's ears perked up and stood up then ran out the room. Yuzu sat up and shifted back to normal
"What's up with Matsuri?" Yuzu asked
"How should I know? She may be my slave but I don't always understand what she does" Harumin said. The girls then walked outside trying to find Matsuri.
"There she is!" Yuzu exclaimed. Matsuri then caught a baby bunny and walked up to Harumin. The baby bunny was squeaking calling for help.
"Matsuri let that bunny go" Harumin said. Matsuri walked to Harumin handing her the baby bunny
"Awwwww it's cute" Yuzu said petting the baby bunny
"Hehe yeah it is" Harumin said petting the baby bunny.
"Yuzu Okogi!" She heard Himeko say
"Oh great...what the hell does she want now?" Yuzu growled
"Hey Vice Prez" Harumin said waving at her
"What did you do to the President?" Himeko asked
"I didn't do anything...just leave me alone" Yuzu said
"I know you did something to her" Himeko said. Matsuri growled and stood in front of Yuzu
"Hey Eyebrow-chan leave her alone" Matsuri growled
"Listen brat this is none of your business!" Himeko said pushing Matsuri but Matsuri grabbed her wrist squeezing it tightly
"Just leave...if you don't want to get hurt" Matsuri said glaring at her as her purple eyes glowed
"Matsuri calm down..." Harumin said stroking Matsuri's hair softly. Matsuri sighed and let go of Himeko and hugged Harumin
"Vice Prez please listen to them and just leave Yuzucchi alone" Harumin said
"Not until she gives me an answer. Okogi you did something to Mei and I know it" Himeko said. Yuzu just clenched her fists tightly and turned around wanting to leave. Himeko was about to follow her but Harumin grabbed her wrist
"Um Vice Prez it's best if you leave Yuzucchi wouldn't want to get her werewolf side out" Harumin said but Himeko didn't listen to her warning and walked up to Yuzu
"Do you really think Mei would love you? A Master and slave aren't meant to be. I'm MeiMei's childhood friend so I've known her longer than you. I know everything about her. We even crossed a line together" Himeko said. Yuzu's eyes widen and growled furiously as her werewolf side took over. Her body glowed showing her aura and turned into her werewolf side then turned around glaring at Himeko who looked terrified. Yuzu growled and walked up to Himeko and she looked up since Yuzu was taller. Yuzu grabbed Himeko by her shirt collar and lifted her up since she was stronger
"Y-yuzucchi?!" Harumin exclaimed and wanted to help the Vice Prez but Matsuri grabbed Harumin
"Don' won't be able to stop her. Not this time..." Matsuri said.
"P-put me down!" Himeko said. Yuzu growled and wanted to throw her on the ground and rip her apart.
"Yuzu...put her down" She heard Mei speak. Yuzu looked to her side and saw Mei. Yuzu growled furiously and put Himeko down dropping her to the ground
"Next time I tell you to leave" Yuzu said and walked away but stopped then turned to look at Himeko
"Unless you want to be killed..." Yuzu growled and walked away. The slaves all cheered for their Alpha and walked up to her talking about how cool she was and how strong she was. Matsuri then left Harumin leaving her with the Royal bloods and followed the slaves
" saved me" Himeko said. Mei stood there and glared at Himeko
"Stop bothering Yuzu...I've already told you she didn't do anything wrong" Mei said sternly
"B-but MeiMei..." Himeko said
"Understand?" Mei asked. Himeko nodded and looked down. Harumin then walked up to Himeko and helped her up.
"Thanks Taniguchi-san..." Himeko said
"Your welcome Vice Prez" Harumin said. Mei sighed and she looked at Yuzu being surrounded by girls and guys. Yuzu chuckled and talked to everyone in the gang
"Yuzu you're so amazing!"
"Have you gotten a mate yet?"
"I could be your mate!"
"No! I want her to be my mate!"
"No I want her!"
Yuzu smiled at everyone then told them she already had a mate which disappointed everyone
"Yuzu-chan you're ready for your big howl for tonight?" Matsuri asked
"Hell yeah I'm ready" Yuzu said and ruffled Matsuri's hair
"Hey don't mess with my hair" Matsuri whined.

After a few hours Yuzu stood on top of a house. Yuzu looked up at the full moon and that's when all the slaves cheered for Yuzu. Yuzu took a deep breath then howled at the full moon telling the slaves it was Mating season. All the slaves turned into their animal form and did their animal voices. Mating season has begun for the slaves. Yuzu jumped from the building and landed on her feet without getting hurt.
"Hey Yuzu-chan...are you really going to head back with Mei?" Matsuri asked
"I'll deal with her tonight..." Yuzu growled
"Hehe...well then alright" Matsuri said. Yuzu nodded and she saw the slaves who found their mate and they went to the forest wanting to mate. Yuzu walked away from the mating crowd but a few of them were on their knees wanting to be fucked by Yuzu but she ignored them. Yuzu walked back to her Master's mansion then opened the door. It was dark and cold for some reason but Yuzu didn't felt anything. Yuzu walked upstairs and opened her room not seeing Mei. She growled and walked to Mei's room not seeing her
Where the hell is she?
Yuzu saw a little light in Mei's closet and walked inside then opened her secret room door and her eyes widen. Mei was completely naked and her legs were spread wide seeing her soaked pussy. Her juices were dripping from her pussy which made Yuzu's body heat up. Mei was wearing a collar with a leash attached to it. Mei looked at Yuzu with pleading eyes wanting to be fucked. Yuzu smirked and walked up to Mei then grabbed the leash pulling Mei closer to her
"Get on your" Yuzu growled. Mei did as she was told and went on her knees looking up at Yuzu. Yuzu went on her knees and licked Mei's sensitive ear slowly
"N-ngh~" Mei moaned softly and grabbed Yuzu's hand placing them against her soak pussy
"Looks like someone's eager..." Yuzu whispered

Matsuri avoided her admirers that were looking for her and sneaked inside Harumin's room. Matsuri didn't find Harumin then heard the shower was on. Matsuri smirked and stripped herself naked then walked inside the bathroom using her stealth powers so Harumin wouldn't notice her walking in. Matsuri then took a peek at Harumin who was bathing. Matsuri's pink hair glowed using her powers and sneaked inside the tub and stood behind Harumin.
"Taniguchi-senpai~" Matsuri whispered
"G-gah! Hey! What the hell?!" Harumin said and turned to look at the fox
"You scared me!" Harumin exclaimed and smacked Matsuri in the head
"Ouchie! Sorry I didn't mean to" Matsuri said
"Also what on earth are you doing here?" Harumin asked as she had her arm against her boobs trying to cover them
"You know I've seen you naked before...there is no need to hide your body from me" Matsuri said and grabbed Harumin's arm revealing her boobs. Matsuri smirked seeing bite marks on her big boobs that she left last night
"What are you doing in here?" Harumin asked while blushing. Matsuri smirked and started groping her boobs
"Ngh~ H-hey...not h-here" Harumin said
"Why not? I get to fuck you wherever I want. Mating season isn't over for know that" Matsuri said and licked her nipples. Harumin blushed deeply and covered her mouth
"Don't can moan all you want. No one will hear you..." Matsuri said and wrapped her arms around Harumin and kissed her passionately.

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