What is... pizza?

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(Arya's POV)

We were in Ben's room where there was a big party going on. Only members of the Tourney team can be here. Not even girlfriends were allowed. There was a long table set with food and drinks and there were balloons and confetti everywhere. 

"HEY GUYS! GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT!" Chad yelled, over the music. 

"Yeah, nice to be here." I said, trying to hide behind Carlos. He looked at me strange, but didn't ask. 

So, y'all are probably wondering. Why is the great Arya Rider scared? 

Well, loudness isn't really my thing. I don't like anything loud or flashy, so yeah. I kind of liked it on the Isle. Auradon was too glittery and perfect and high expectations. 

Carlos pulled me aside after noticing my uncomfortable state and looked me in the eye.

"Are you ok? You don't look to good. You look like my hair actually. Pale and white. Almost like you've seen a ghost." Carlos asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'll just go. Save me some cake or something, but I'm going back to your guys' dorm." I said, leaving. Carlos nodded and I headed out. 

It was a pretty peaceful walk until I noticed a dark shadow following me from behind. It was approximately 5'7 and had long in a bob-ish hair. I just pretended to not notice it, but I kept a watchful eye on it. The shadow came out and tried to attack me but I punched whoever it was in the face. They groaned and clutched their nose, writhing in pain. I got up and held up a light to whoever it was. I saw a messy dark haired boy with tan skin and blue eyes. 

"Who are you?" I asked, holding my fist up. 

"I'm Moana and Maui's child. The name's Marius." he said, and the water fountain burst into a wave. It brought over an icepack and he held it on his nose. 

"Okay, how does that make me trust you?" I asked, still not getting off of him. 

"It doesn't good point, um, let's just say I just want to talk." he said. 

"Mmmhm, I'll trust you for now. But I won't hesitate to knock you out again. Seems like you didn't get your father's strength." I said, muttering the last part. He ignored him and started walking. I took that as a sign to follow him so I did. 

"So... I heard you were dating the De Vil kid. Howzit going?" he asked. 

"What? No, I'm not dating Carlos. Why would you think that?" I asked.

"Oh, just because you act like a couple, and he won't hesitate to flirt with you." 

"Mmhm, sure... OH SHOOT! I have to go back to my dorm, bye!" I said, running away. He just kept walking and hummed a tune. Curious, but I had to go.

"CARLOS! Sorry, I'm late. I got sidetracked. Now, was there any food?" I asked, greedily looking at what he had brought me. He just laughed at my childishness and handed me a plate. It had a triangular looking thing and had some white stuff on the top. 

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked, picking it up and inspecting it. It looked safe... 

"It's called pizza. It's a cheesy thing and it has bread. Try it, it's good." Carlos said. 

"No, I refuse to eat something that is bread and cheese." I said, pouting and crossing my arms. The plate was in my lap while both Carlos and I sat on my bed. 

"C'mon, just take one bite. Pleaseee." Carlos asked, taking the pizza from me.

"Open your mouth to eat the pizza, just one tiny bite." Carlos asked, putting the pizza near my face. I kept it closed and pouted. He sighed and inched closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, kind of curious.

"Well, this is one way to get you to eat the pizza." Carlos said, and he kissed me.

It was a very interesting kiss. His lips were very soft and it was filled with passion and gentleness. I backed out and because my mouth was still open, Carlos shoved the pizza in my mouth, forcing me to eat. I grudgingly agreed and started chewing. I chewed slowly and tasted the cheese.

"So, what do you think? Does it taste good?" Carlos asked.

"No, it tastes horrible and is stale." I said, with my voice dripping in sarcasm.

"WHAT?! But, that's not what it's supposed to taste like." Carlos said, confused.

"Jeez, it's called sarcasm, catch on man." I said, rubbing his hair. 

"I-um, was wondering if you would like to... be my girlfriend?" Carlos asked. I stopped for a moment, shocked that he had already asked. 

"You don't have to say yes, it's just..." "Yes! Of course!" I said, hugging him. He laughed and buried his head in my neck. I eventually fell asleep, breathing into his chest, while he was nuzzled at the crook of my neck. I didn't hear Evie and Mal come back from wherever they were and giggle and point at us. I just fell asleep, tired of the world around me, and I knew I was safe, resting in Carlos' arms. 

AHHH! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MY LOVES!! I'm so sorry that this is a short chapter, but it was Valentine's day and I wanted to make this so bad!! It was planned out ;) and I wanted to say that there might not be a sequel to this because I plan on making a Jay Jafar x reader book so... watch out for that! Please comment, vote, or follow, because that always makes my day. Enjoy your Valentine's day.


The Look On Your Face, it gives me a thrill (Carlos De Vil x OC)Where stories live. Discover now