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Even though he was blue his face turn a slight shade of red.

"A-ah, but this my roo-"

"As I said, I'm VERY 'pent up', in fact, I'm restraining myself quite a bit right now, sure would be a shame if someone were to get all caught up in that, don't you think so?"

"E-erm... yes, right, I'll be on my way then."

He quickly left the room, closing the door behind him. Austy pushed me away, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. I looked at my hand.

"Did you lick my hand?"

"Damn right I did asshole!"

"That's pretty childish ya know."

"That coming from you?"

A mischievous grin grew on my face.

"Well, in any case, thanks for the meal~~~ ♥."

I gave my hand a long lick and Austy's face immediately turned beet red.


"Oh relax, its completely normal for a married couple to exchange saliva from time to time, right?"


"Well, not yet, but I was serious when I said I would make you mine, and you'll come to find I can be very convincing."


"Heh, you know I was quite the charmer when I was a human, I was pretty popular, I've got quite the tongue you see."


"Talking. I'm saying the way I talk is very convincing. What did you think I meant?"

Once again, her face turned red.


"Are you sure? You didn't by any chance think I was talking about using my tongue to-"


"Hehehe, and you call me a pervert~~~."

She gave a big huff of a sigh filled with annoyance.

"Why are you here Reath? Don't you have other things to do?"

"Not really. Although I do need to track down Erica, and find my birth mother, and kill the hunters that kidnapped her... okay yeah, I do have things to do, but you were on my list and you're the nearest one, and I kinda got the feeling that if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to find you again. now then, what was all that you were talking about with the smurf huh?"

"First of all, he's not a smurf he's a variant of goblin and his name is Kellgarott, and second of all, that's none of your damn business."

"Oh really? What was the name of the chick you mentioned, was it Lavisto?"

"That's none of your-"

"About five nine, black hair with a creepy ass skull mask and a super shitty personality?"

"...yes. That's her. And stop interrupting me!"

She went and sat down on the fancy looking couch  by the window.

"Your lucky you even survived meeting her, Lavisto is a cruel cold-blooded killer, and she hates mortals with a passion."

"Yeah, I kinda got that from all the death threats she gave me, I assume she's one of those constellations you were talking about?"

"Not just any constellation, she's an arcane, the queen of arcane's at that."

"Oh, big leagues huh? Wonder if she needs a king, I didn't see her face but her body was very appeasing."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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