- "It's already 7 pm. I will leave you. Thank you so much for welcoming me and for your help Yoh.. and Amidamaru" I say with a smile as I pack my things.

   - " No problem" Yoh happily says.

   - "I'll walk you to the door" Manta says as he stands up with me.

We leave the living room and walk in front of the kitchen.

   - "Wait Manta, I'll say goodbye to Anna."

   - "Ok, I'll wait for you at the entrance."

I go to the kitchen and see Anna cutting the vegetables.

   - "What do you want ?" she says without even looking at me.

   - "I'm leaving so I want to say goodbye and thank you for welcoming me. You have a pretty home".

She stops cutting the vegetables and slowly looks at me.

   - "You don't believe us, don't you? I saw it the way you're acting earlier. You think we're crazy."

  - "May I be honest? I never really think about the fact that it can be true. Spirits, shaman, talking with the dead, for me, it's more like a fantasy or a grandmother's old story. Even if I think they can exist, I can ever have proof of it so it's just something I don't think about. For a long time, stories and tales tell the story of lost souls unable to pass into the other world. Didn't we say that in every tale, there is some truth in it? And if some people have the ability to see what it's invisible to others, I don't know if it's a gift or a curse. I suppose everyone has their own point of view."

She still looks at me silently.

   - "Anyways, It's getting late. It smells really good. Have a good evening and enjoy your meal".

I left the kitchen and met Manta at the entrance. I put my shoes back on and open the door

   - "I will retype all the notes on my computer and I'll send it to you when I'm finished. Have a nice evening. Bye Manta" I say as I leave the house and wave at him.

  - "Bye Y/N, go home safely" he says and waves at me back.

The evening is sweet. The streets are illuminated by the lights. *I can't stop thinking about spirits. Are they really here with us ? If they are, I prefer not to contradict them * I get home quickly.

When I got home, I took off my jacket and began to make dinner. Well, make dinner, I heat the water for the noodles. When it's ready, I put them in a bowl and sit on the sofa. I turn the tv on and put my favorite show on.

*Best. Dinner. Ever.I love that show! Why is it always too short? Ok. Time to work.* I take my laptop and begin to retape my notes from earlier. *I write the last word and finally ! After 1 hour I finished! Ok, now I send it to Manta and... done!* After my shower,I get ready to go to bed.

When I open my eyes, I find myself in an old village, like, very old with no load, no electric poles, thatched houses. I walk a little and see a couple of villagers wearing kimonos and a wooden basket. I can hear part of their conversation

   - " I'm really impatient to see him !"

   - "Yeah ! Me too! He is the best samurai in the country after all!"

*What kind of joke is it ? Where am I ?*

I follow them to a big square with many food and craft stands. There are many smiling and happy people. I step back and rush into someone

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