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Your P.O.V.

"So, is it true that God has his favorite angels?" I asked.

The atmosphere was getting darker now since we were getting farther down hell.

"I'm sorry to let you down but God isn't what you think he is." Sumin replied.

"God is good, I know." I chuckled.

She gave me a side glare while I raised my hands midway in air to defend myself.

"How about here? Is it true that Lucifer exists?" she asked in return.

"Oh, he does. But he doesn't just show up anywhere. Even I haven't seen him yet." I answered.

"Really? Then why do you still believe that he exists?" she questioned.

The huge dark trees can already be seen, and is getting nearer every step we take. I stopped walking for a while which also caught Sumin's attention.

"What?" she wondered.

"Have you seen God yet?" I was keeping my eyes on the forest, feeling her gaze on my face.

"We serve him, but we don't exactly see hi--"

"Exactly." I cut her off.

I returned her gaze and hers turned into a questioning look.

"Humans have this saying of 'seeing is believing'. But I think that you don't have to see something in order to believe it." I added.

A small smile showed on her lips and for the first time, I felt proud of myself. I had made an angel smile quite a few times already.

"You don't seem so bad yourself. Are you a demon in disguise?" she chuckled.

"And are you an angel in disguise?" I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows at her.

Then in an instant, her little smile faded and her expression turned into a blank one.

"I take it back, you're as bad as the devil himself." she mumbled before walking ahead.

I laughed at her reaction then continued to walk behind her as well.

I may seem calm, but deep inside I was starting to feel nervous. This forest looks scary enough, but it isn't just its appearance.

"Hey." I called to Sumin.

"Don't talk to me. I hate you." she said without stopping to look at me.

"This is important, it's about--"

"About how angels are supposed to be all nice and smiley? Well I've got news for you little devil but--"

I suddenly felt a quick flash through my head. There was no lightning, but my vision turned too bright that my head ached and I felt like I was blind.

"Agh..." I groaned and bent my head down to try and ease the pain.

"What's the matter with you? Don't like being called little devil--"

The headache got worse and even though I had my eyes closed, everything was too bright that I thought I was going to heaven.

"Stop! It's real!" I gasped.

I was about to kneel down while clutching my hair, but then I felt a pair of hands gently hold the sides of my head.

It felt so calming that it stopped me from moving, and somehow the pain was also slowly starting to disappear.

As the bright light faded too, I opened my eyes and saw her face inches away from mine. There was something in her eyes, an emotion that I can't understand yet. But it struck me deep down inside.

Angel (Bae Sumin ff) Where stories live. Discover now