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Your P.O.V.


Me and Sumin immediately pulled away before we can get even closer, interrupted by Heeseung dropping logs of wood in front of us.

"For fire." he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and arranged the logs, grabbing a thin branch and rubbing it across the log's surface to apply pressure.

"Why don't you just make fire? You're a demon." Heeseung grumbled.

"Exactly. I'm a demon, not a magician or a sorcerer." I retorted.

I spent all my anger from this guy into strength so that I could make fire quickly. It wasn't easy of course, but once I was finished we all huddled up to warm ourselves.

"How are we going to pass across this place? Are we even going to make it out alive?" Heeseung asked.

"Relax, angel. Two humans have made it across here. Someone like you won't have any trouble." I huffed.

"Humans? You mean the lost man went here? And he's with who?" he asked again.

"He came here for his lover." Sumin answered for me.

"There's no way they could've passed that forest--"

"Love is powerful enough to pass through heaven and hell." I cut him off.

He gave me a weird look while I looked down at my feet. Once again, I felt Sumin's stare from my peripheral view.

"I never knew demons could believe in love." he snickered.

"Well I never knew that angels can be this rude." I gritted.

His eyes quickly turned blue and I tried my best to calm down. Because if I didn't, I might just kill him right now.

"Heeseung, why don't you go back now? I think they would be looking for you." Sumin suggested.

"No, there's no way I would leave you with this demon--"

"It's fine. I trust her." she firmly said.

The guy looked hesitant, moving his feet constantly as if he was going to stand up any moment now.

"You don't need to worry. We'll make it out alive." she assured.

After a few seconds, he subtly nodded his head and stood up. But before he can walk away, he quickly went to me and grabbed my collar.


"If something happens to her I would not hesitate to punish you until you beg for hell instead." he threatened.

He thinks he scared me with that? I wasn't even fazed.

"Oh, no. The chances of me getting her killed are lower than me being an angel, so rest assured, angel of God." I mumbled.

I can tell that he was resisting the urge to punch me in the face, but Sumin grabbed his arm and pulled him away from me immediately.

"You didn't have to do that." she told him.

I kept a wide smirk on my face, knowing that she obviously didn't like what he did just now.

"I'll see you soon." he said before flying away.

"What the hell is his problem? Is he your boyfriend or something?" I asked annoyingly.

I almost flinched when Sumin snapped her head at me, her eyes burning glares into mine.

"How can you make such an assumption? We're angels." she hissed.

"So?" I shrugged.

"We don't relate to one another. So zip it." she muttered.

Angel (Bae Sumin ff) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant