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Your P.O.V.

"Look what we have here." Yujin clasped her hands together and stood up to meet the new sinner.

"W-who are you? Are you the d-devil himself?" he stuttered.

"What the hell? Get your pronouns correct you sinner. Can't you see I'm a 'she'? It should be 'herself'--"

"Okay quit it. She's not the devil you a*hole." I cut her off and faced the sinner.

Yujin rolled her eyes at me and went back at her seat to read something.

"So, how did it go?" she asked.

"Annoying. I had to listen to this freak talk about his sins all day." I answered while tying his hands and feet with a rope.

"Exactly the reason why I don't want to assist. Either it's boring and tiring, or it's annoying and tiring." she scoffed.

After I was finished tying this sinner to his prison, I sat down beside Yujin and closed my eyes to rest for a while.

"What are you staring at? You want me to poke your eyeballs out?" I heard Yujin spoke.

"Nothing m-ma'am. It's just... Hell looks different from here. I never thought demons would have books and--"

I heard something thrown across the room so I instantly opened my eyes and saw Yujin's book in front of the sinner's cage while he held his hands together.

"Why would you throw your book at him, jeez." I whined.

"You humans read too much fiction. Hell isn't what you think it is." Yujin growled, her eyes glowing red while glaring at the prisoner.

"Sorry." he mumbled.

I just exhaled then went back to fix my position and try to get some sleep.

"So, anything interesting happened on the gates?" Yujin questioned.

"Please let me get some sleep." I begged.

"Ohh, something did happen." I can imagine her grin even with my eyes closed.

I stood up and went to my room, trying to avoid Yujin's questions and get some rest.

Well, not until the door slammed open and she was already inside my room, just when I was about to even lay down the bed.

"Now tell me." she demanded.

"Nothing, just an angel staring down at me." I shrugged.

"Nah, the angel told her to burn here in hell!"

I snapped my head to look out the door and glare at the sinner who was now avoiding my gaze.

"The angel what?" Yujin snorted.

"Funny, Yujin." I sassed before laying down and covering myself under the blanket.

"Come on, tell me more details. Who is this angel and what exactly did you do to be cursed at?" she asked again.

"You don't need to know more about it. We won't encounter her ever again because the next judgement day's going to be after 6 months." I assured her.

"That's the thing, it's every 6 months and time flies by pretty quick so there's a big chance that we'll see her again!" she exclaimed.

"I don't care, Yujin. Just let me rest." I stated.

"Fine. I'll be out now." she replied then I sighed of relief after hearing the door click.

I relaxed my arms and thought of good things to sleep, slowly drifting away into--

"It's a 'her'?! So did you get her name or anything?!" but then the door slammed open and Yujin's loud voice was echoing around my room.

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