She had a doubtful expression on her face, probably hesitating whether to tell me her name or not.

"Sumin." she finally replied.

"Sumin. Suits an angel." I smiled and shook her hand gently.

But my smile faded quickly when I saw her face. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped when her cheeks turned red and the corners of her lips lifted up into a smile.

I could feel goosebumps in my arms as I stared at her face in awe.

"Wow, you look much more angelic when you smile." it was all I could mutter.

It was so hot here in hell that I could feel my face heating up. I couldn't even look straight into her eyes now.

"You're lying." she suddenly said.

"What? No I'm not. What makes you think I'm lying?" I asked.

"You can't maintain eye contact with me. It means you're lying." the smile on her lips was gone too and her face was serious again.

"No, I meant it!" I defended.

"Liar. Demons are liars." she grumbled before walking away.

"Hey, Sumin come on it wasn't a lie!" I groaned but followed her anyways.

Beyond our units, were the fields. There was no sun in here, no plants. The fields was like a desert, where bodies burned and rotted like skin of snakes lying around waiting to be decomposed.

"God, don't you demons have other places to keep these dead bodies?" Sumin asked.

"We punish them here, so we leave them here to rot just like you told me to." I earned a glare from her because of what I said.

"Anyway, why did you even tell me to burn and rot here in hell? You don't even know me but it looked like--"

"Because you're a demon." she simply answered.

"Tch, just because I'm a demon." I murmured.


I was startled when she suddenly shrieked and went behind me, making me look at this bloody sinner who was left breathing here by a demon.

"S-save m-e..." there was barely any voice left.

"What the hell, I thought they were all dead?!" Sumin squeaked.

"Chill, some demon probably thought of torturing this sinner more by leaving him alive to suffer." I thought.

"You guys are merciless." she muttered.

I looked back at her with an unbelievable look in my face.

"We're demons, Sumin. And if you're forgetting, we are in hell and these are sinners who were judged before you. If you can't tell, this is a sinner who deserved just as much as he suffered." I explained.

The sinner kept on pleading and groaning with a hoarse voice, while me and Sumin here had a moment of silence.

"Now, tell me if you can't bare to look at these bodies. Because if you can't, then we can't pass through this field and continue finding that lost man." I said.

She was looking down, her hands clutched into my clothes and she was trembling a little.

The sight of all these madness must have shocked her, and I understand.

"Just be honest, if you can't take this anymore then I'll walk you back to the center where all your fellow angels--"

"Let's continue." she cut me off.

I just looked at her, waiting until she's really sure with her decision.

"I need to find that man, Y/n." she said, looking back at me.

I didn't know why she was so desperate to find this man, but angels are far from demons anyway. It would take me decades to understand them.

"Okay, Sumin. Then you should be aware that everything we're going to pass through is more like hell." I reminded her.

She looked hesitant for a second, but she nodded anyway.

"Are you sure that I won't be killed in here?" she asked, fear evident in her eyes.

A small smile painted my lips, then my hand made its way to her arms.

"Will you trust me to not get you killed then?" I asked her.

She scoffed a little before giving me a light slap on the shoulder.

"I would kill you first before you get to kill me." she grumbled.

"Fine." I gave her a playful smile then offered my hand for her to take.

She grinned before eventually taking my hand, while I walked ahead of her to make sure the dead bodies won't touch her.

This is going to be an interesting trip.

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