Chapter 14: Gywaine Pearl

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His nippy feet trekked on a muddy carpet of pebbles, brown leaves and tiny twigs.

Clouds of hot air formed in front of his face as he strived, desperately, to accelerate his speed.

A cape of snow leopard skin flared in the air as the wearer jumped from a log into the chasm below.

FinallyI'm here! His thoughts evaporated at the sight of the tall, pink-topped tree.

Aoi Yuki landed sure-footedly on his leather boots, crouching on the ground and holding himself up with a hand to stabilize his panting body. His fur scarf covered his mouth and nose from the dust as he rose slowly.

He has quite an average height for a twenty-year-old, measuring 5 foot and a half in his tall brown leather boots. His unique light blue hair - falling straight over his dark blue eyes, covering them in places - shone in the brief spots where the sun's rays seeped through the thick, leafy branches of the tree in the forests of the Sanctuary.

The Sanctuary is a safe, holy place where wildlife seek shelter to escape the perilous dangers of Wedromone. It is powered by the mana flowing from the Cherry Dragon Tree, housing all the different kinds of animals who otherwise would be killed in the wilds. The Sanctuary is an immeasurable space on the west of the continent of Wedromone, and consists of the Cherry Fields, the Draganoic Lake, the historical Temple of Elements, a magical cluster of caves once occupied by dragons and the beautiful ranges of the Hidyleann (Hai-di-leyan) Mountains.

Aoi touched the deep wound on the right side of his stomach, trickling with blood. "Sono chi wa akai desu…" (Meaning, "This blood is red…") He murmured as he winced and glared at the injury for rendering him so powerless. He had never felt so weak in his entire life. It's pathetic, he seethed in his thoughts, making his way slowly to the Cherry Dragon Tree.

His newborn clan - the Snow Trekkers - were one of the five hidden clans spread out within the borders of the Sanctuary. His particular tribe was the newest, having been found just 70 years ago in the freezing peak of the highest mountain in the Hidyleann range. Aoi was a direct descendant of the founder of his kinfolk, a snow elemental (an experimental element created by the gods by accident) strangely named Rin Yuki. (Rin is a kind of sound you make when you hold something that is cold to the touch. Usually used in mangas)

The elemental wed a mortal, and a renegade youth was spurned in their marriage bed. Half-elemental and half-human, Aoi was cast aside from his other human or elemental companions, just so that his mind wouldn't be polluted with the nonsense of human intelligence or elemental stupidity.

But he knew better. They wanted him to be raised in the way heirs do. Everyday he was taught different kinds of things; democracy and tolerance, archery and swordsmanship, betrayal and truce, war and peace… but never love. His heart grew cold, and when he reached puberty, his blood turned blue. He stopped breathing, but he still lived normally. Well, as normally as you would live without a friend to hold onto.

People say that it was his elemental blood flowing into his body from his surroundings. After all, his name literally translates to 'Blue Snow'. Like snow, he never took another breath. His auburn hair, inherited from his mortal mother, turned into a light shade of blue. His turquoise eyes, a feature unique to him, turned cobalt. His attitude froze a whole lot more. He became so unruly even the clan's most fearsome warriors could not control him. His combat skills had been personally developed, and enhanced. He was unstoppable.

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