Chapter 12: Acquaintance

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Syaoran's POV

I shouldn't have let her get out of my sight!

One second she was happily riding on Irie… and the next…

Oh, why can't I bear her absence?! Since she disappeared three hours ago, that stupid Rarreu and I have been asking everyone whether they knew of her whereabouts. Our search was hopeless! No-one saw her…

Sakura, you flimsy idiot! It's no time to play games likes this!

I urged Zeko to gallop faster to the next house in this huge plot of land owned by the Sayaki family, a generation of blacksmiths. Rarreu followed me closely, and I could sense his worry. It made me somewhat uneasy.

"The last house here is the Sayaki mansion itself. We better be careful, Cleric Sayaki, the legendary blacksmith, ain't what you and I would call a 'jolly' person." The irritating kid said helpfully.

I doubt you and I would ever have the same opinions, mate.

"Li-kun…" I could hear his pathetic voice calling me. "What?!" I snapped. Sakura's disappearance makes me so cranky all of a sudden! I swear, if I ever find that prissy little girl I'll shower her with misery!

That's if I ever find her… oh, I will!


No, I will not think of that anymore. She's around here somewhere, surely! …Yes…

"Why are you so panicky?" Rarreu asked me quietly. I ignored him. His little questions could delay me even further! I have to find Sakura, and quick! She could be drowning right now, who knows?!

"Li-kun, answer me!" Rarreu's white horse intercepted mine, and Zeko was forced to skid to a halt. My insides boiled with rage. "MOVE, YOU BASTARD!" I swore as loud as I could, but Rarreu stood his ground. I tried to take over him and bolt away, but he gripped my reins before I even get to move.

"Answer me." He hissed calmly. I exploded.

"YOU'RE PUTTING ME OFF, YOU BAKA! SAKURA COULD EVEN BE RAPED NOW FOR ALL WE KNOW! I DON'T WANT ANYTHING BAD TO HAPPEN TO HER! I… I…" I ran out of words to use. My face felt hot… so hot that it burns.

"…Love her?" Rarreu finished silently, eyeing me with a steady gaze. My head lifted abruptly at his words, and I was forced to think.


Syaoran's eyes were hazy. His crazy ranting paused as he thought over Rarreu's accusation. Suddenly, he felt tired. His limb ached from all that perilous riding, and he swayed. Rarreu, sensing what was happening, jumped from Blanche onto Zeko and supported Syaoran's weak body.

He loaded the brown-haired prince into his arms and slid off Zeko's saddle, landing on the ground with a soft thud. He laid Syaoran on the grass and called for Foxip. The creature popped out of his saddlebag, with an unusual grim expression on his face.

"Cera, where's the Sun Guardian?" Rarreu whispered to him. Cera Xavier Ovarian is Foxip's true name, but it is only known to Rarreu (Foxip will be called Cera from now on). "The beast is tired from all that scouring. He's napping in Li-sama's bag." Cera looked at the dazed Syaoran blankly. "The Snow Person would hate this." He remarked distastefully. Rarreu nodded and kneeled beside Syaoran.

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