Chapter 11: A Sprinkle of Taste

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The birds sang to the brightness of the day, making best of the time they were given to feed themselves and their offspring. There wasn't a cloud visible in the sky, and the striking colour of blue struck the villagers of Remnant Village as they went about with their usual chores.

Inside a room in an Inn in the centre of the Market Square lay three exhausted riders, sprawled over three different beds. One had long caramel hair, another chocolate, and the last gold. They were snoring lightly, content with their sleep. Two small, winged creatures were snuggling into each other in a shoulder bag amidst crumbs of cookies, their tiny lips curving upwards in an expression of pure bliss.

That is, until the one with caramel hair screamed.

Syaoran was the first to jump up in his bed with alarm, running to Sakura's bed to check on her. The princess was searching around frantically for something. "My Star Pendant! My Star Pendant! Oh, Kami-sama, my Star Pendant!" She screeched, throwing bed sheets and pillow cases all over the room. Syaoran sweatdropped at the mess she created.

Kero crawled out of Sakura's bag sleepily, the Star Pendant looped around his neck in a deadly way. "Sakura-chan… it's here… and it's choking me…" He coughed. Sakura laughed nervously and carefully unwounded the string of the pendant from his neck. Kero was able to breathe again.

"Gomen nasai, Kero-chan. I must've slipped it in there by mistake." Sakura apologized, wearing the pendant herself. Syaoran stood up and stretched, all his sleepiness driven out of him by the entire ruckus. Rarreu sat up in his bed approximately three minutes later and rubbed his eyes.

"I dreamt that Sakura-chan and Li-kun kissed each other on this very floor." He said monotonously. Syaoran and Sakura face-faulted. "Some dream that is." Syaoran muttered, getting up and dusting himself. He helped Sakura to her feet.

Rarreu yawned and got out of his bed. He ran a hand through his mop of golden hair and rummaged through his sack for something. Each time he dug deeper, his face expression became sour. "This is terrible!" He said finally, stomping his feet like a child. Sakura, Syaoran, Foxip and Kero sweatdropped.

"I've finished a lot of my stuff!" Rarreu sighed despairingly. "I need to go out and restock. Gomen, Sakura-chan, Li-kun. I'll return at noon, hopefully. Come on, Foxip." The creature obeyed its master's orders and together they departed.

Sakura shrugged slightly and started to tidy up the place. Syaoran helped her too, by tucking in all the bed sheets and fluffing the pillows. They're leaving after Rarreu returns anyway. Kero threw away all the crumbs inside Sakura shoulder bag, relieved that his 'house' wasn't so 'crowded' anymore. (no more prickly crumbs to stab him)

They finished two hours later (Sakura really did thrash the place) and sat down on the floor. Kero poked his head out of his bag. "Sakura-chan, can I go sight-seeing or something? I heard that this village has a nice little pond at the back." Sakura smiled. "Sure, Kero-chan. I'm sorry I can't come with you; I'm a bit tired now. Come back soon, okay?" Kero nodded and flew off.

Syaoran felt like crawling into a hole. He was alone with Sakura, and Rarreu's words replayed itself in his mind again and again. I dreamt that Sakura-chan and Li-kun kissed each other on this very floor. He shook his head and blushed.

Sakura was lying on the floor, her head on her arm. She was thinking about things and daydreaming about her soon-to-be dragon. She touched the part of her chest where her heart is and sighed dreamily. "Ne, Li-kun, what do you think your dragon's going to look like?"

Happy that somehow they weren't going to talk about 'strange' things (ar-hem, ar-hem); the blushing Li prince looked up. "I'm not sure."

Sakura laughed. "No-one is. Just imagine."

Syaoran scrunched up his face, deep in thought. "Lime green scaly wings, maybe?"

"Uhn! Mine… it must have a colourful pair of wings!" Sakura suggested cheerfully.

Syaoran was starting to get the gist of imagination. "A body with different shades of green… yellow eyes… a mace-like tail… a proud stance…"

"A red body… a kind of cap on the head that claws backwards? Hehe… and a strange bud-like tail!" They both laughed.


"Amazing… they described them clearly! Maybe they are destined to be 'their' soul partners…" The huge creatures in the group nodded to themselves.


Suddenly, Sakura and Syaoran's stomachs growled hungrily. They laughed harder. "Well… I guess I'll go and get something for us to eat." Sakura offered, getting up. She grabbed her small coin bag, waved at her partner, and left.

Glad that she's gone, Syaoran wiped away an invisible sweat on his forehead. "Kissing? No way, Rarreu." He smirked and slumped onto the cold, hard floor, his arms behind his head. Soon enough, he fell asleep again.

Sakura returned fifteen minutes later with various delicacies, all bought from the village bakery. She smiled at the sight of a boyish-looking Syaoran, lying on the room floor, snoring quietly. She kneeled beside him and ruffled his hair, earning a groan from the sleeping prince.

(Fluff Segment… START!)

Suddenly, Syaoran reached out and yanked her down beside him. Sakura let out a short yelp and blushed at the close proximity of the handsome prince sleeping near her. "Anooo… Li-kun…" She tried to pull her arm out of her soul partner's tight grip, but to no avail. Feeling slightly annoyed, she distanced herself, edging nearer to the opposite wall.

Syaoran groaned angrily and reeled her back to him, and gently hugged her close. Sakura blushed bashfully, and finally decided to pinch Syaoran's arm, hoping in vain that he will release her. But her efforts bear no favourable fruit, as the only results she obtained was that the prince hugged her tighter to him with his left arm, and laid his head atop of hers. "…Stay…" He whispered tenderly, unconsciously caressing her hair with his right hand. Sakura's reply was muffled, and she wiggled a little, but at last chose to let the prince enjoy his slumber.

She was just about to fall into dreamland herself when the prince stirred again. His hand, previously resting in her hair, slid down to cup her small chin. Her eyes were brought up to look into another pair of brilliant amber eyes. "Y-You're awa-" Her lips were silenced with a soft kiss. It rapidly grew passionate as time wore on, and a minute later the prince was already hovering on top of her, his hands pinning down her waist. The cold wooden boards below them suddenly felt hot, as if it was burning with their growing passion.

The princess moaned as the young adult on top of her nipped her bare neck. "L-Li-kun…" She stuttered breathlessly, feeling extremely vulnerable. "…Syaoran." The boy above her growled and licked a section of her neck where she was most ticklish. She giggled uncontrollably. "Sy… Syaoran-kun…" She moaned again as the prince's hands moved closer to her chest. "St-Stop…"

"I agree, Li-sama. You better stop, because the atmosphere is getting too 'fiery' for human survival." Rarreu said unflappably, resting against the doorframe with a sack over his shoulders. Behind him, Foxip and Kero vomited.

Kicked out of their ardent trance, Sakura and Syaoran broke apart. They looked once at the whistling Rarreu, once at both gagging Kero and Foxip, once at each other, and realized (in horror) what they have just done.

"I guess my mum was right; I really can predict the future through my dreams." Rarreu got into an 'oh-well' stance and shook his head.

Syaoran and Sakura glared full force at him.

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