Yelena | discount chocolate

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Prompt: 'The only good thing about Valentine's Day is the discount chocolate the next day,'
Genre: angst in the beginning with a fluffy ending
'So that's it, we're not going to talk about it anymore?' You asked Yelena out on a date tomorrow, having made a reservation at a nice restaurant. You and Yelena had been together for just under a year which had you thinking that she would agree and spend the day with you.

'What's there to talk about? I don't want to celebrate it,' But once Yelena found out it was Valentine's Day she refused to do or go anywhere with you, which led to the argument you both were having in the middle of the kitchen.

'Did you even think about how I feel? Am I even going to see you tomorrow or are you just going to hide away?' Yelena stayed silent, looking away from you instantly giving you her answer. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, 'Great, the one year I'm in a serious relationship and she doesn't even want to celebrate Valentine's Day with me,' You threw your head back muttering to yourself but still loud enough that Yelena could hear you, 'You're going to let me be alone on Valentine's Day?'

Yelena scoffed, 'Here,' You caught the loaf of bread Yelena threw your way, making sure it wouldn't hit the ground since she didn't throw it completely at you, 'There take that and go to a lake, then you won't be alone,'

'Why don't you just give it a chance, just one day and you can see how beautiful it really is,' You were pleading with her. You just wanted to spend the day with her, you never had the chance to spend it with anyone you actually cared about before.

'And what part of it is beautiful? All I see is one day a year where people go all out and then what about the rest of the year? It's only a big celebration because of capitalism and you can't tell me otherwise,' Hearing Yelena's words crushed your heart more each time. Almost feeling like she was rejecting you and the love you shared, 'The only good thing about Valentine's Day is the discounted chocolate the next day,'

'Isn't that still capitalism?' You quipped back.

'It's discounted. It's different,' Yelena moved around you, 'We'd be better off turning Valentine's Day into a second Halloween,' With that she left you standing alone in the kitchen, a faint slamming of her door could be heard.
The day after Valentine's Day you knocked on Yelena's door. Yelena was taken back when a costume was thrown at her as soon as she opened her door, 'Y/N? What are you doing here?' You decided to put Yelena's words aside and if you couldn't celebrate the previous day how you wanted to you didn't want to waste more days without being by Yelena's side. The words hurt but maybe the two of you could come to a compromise and this seemed like the easiest way to break the tension that was currently there.

'Discounted chocolate run?' You offered, Yelena held up the costume eyebrows raised, 'Our Halloween costumes, it'll be like a Halloween 2.0,' All Yelena could do was laugh and follow your instructions. Once she was ready you grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door and to all the shops you knew that would have discounted Valentine's Day chocolates for you to share.

The public's weird and concerned stares as you and Yelena walked down the streets in the most outrageous Halloween costumes you could find. You both managed to fill bags of discounted chocolate and you had already eaten half of it while watching countless comedies, 'I'm still not a fan of Valentine's Day but I think I can get behind Halloween 2.0, as long as it's spent with you. I'm sorry for how I treated you, it wasn't right,' Yelena moved the chocolate to the side and moved you so you were leaning with your back against her chest, her arms wrapped tightly around you.

'It's okay Lena, I understand and I shouldn't have pushed it on you knowing your past,' Grabbing her hands you started to play with her fingers, helping to keep the both of you grounded through conversations like this one, 'Maybe next year you can try and celebrate it with me?' You looked up with a hopeful smile on your face.

Yelena leaned down and kissed you softly, 'Anything for you,'

Valentine's Day Specialحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن