Wanda | back in time

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Prompt: 'Have dinner with me. Tonight,'
Genre: Fluff
Valentine's Day was a day you normally looked forward to especially since you fell in love with Wanda. Each year you celebrated together was always better than the last. Wanda always knew how to make you feel special, on Valentine's Day and every other day of the year. There was never a moment where either of you questioned your love for each other, even with such high risk and demanding jobs you both always found the time to spend with each other.

Though this year it was just a normal day, you had woken up early to get ready to spend the day busying yourself with mission reports and other mundane tasks to get you through the day. Wanda was out on a last minute mission which meant the two of you would have to skip Valentine's Day this year. You weren't sad or upset, you knew there would be plenty more and plenty more days where you showered each other in love.

'You sure you don't want to do something today? You can always come to dinner with Maria and I,' Natasha was standing in the doorway to your office while you set up your work space.

'Nat, the last thing I want to do is be a third wheel to you and Maria,' You rolled your eyes laughing as the red head in front of you shook her head, a slight blush forming over her cheeks, 'I don't think she'd like if I was there either,'

'Fine you're right,' Natasha remembered the reason she was here and picked up the box she had placed beside the door, sitting it on your desk, 'This is for you. I'm sure you already know who it's from,' A smile formed on your face, even a last minute mission didn't stop Wanda from preparing to spoil you.

You unwrapped the box once Natasha left. Each main item inside was individually wrapped with random items like chocolates, candy and bath and self care related items. Halfway through opening you realised it was a complete outfit. But not just any outfit, one that you had been looking at for a while and now it was sitting in front of you laid out on your desk. You admired each item nearly missing the card that was at the bottom of the box.

'Dear my sweet Y/N/N, today and every other day I promise to love you exactly how you deserve to be loved. Since I met you, you have made my life better and given me a reason to look forward to waking up each day, especially since I get to see those beautiful eyes staring back at me every morning. If I could, I would give you the entire world, universe and so much more but I'll always do my best to give that to you. I love you more than you could ever imagine. P.S. you should look up,'

You furrowed your eyebrows at the end. You were sure you just saw that P.S. get written in while you were reading the note. As soon as you looked up your eyes widened and it felt like your heart and time stopped while you took in the scene in front of you.

'Have dinner with me. Tonight,' Wanda's voice pulled rang through your head.

'Wands,' Not being able to find the words, Wanda pulled you up into her embrace. Your smile never faltered, you were happy to be in her arms especially since you didn't expect to see her for another couple of days, 'You knew you were coming back today,'

'Guilty,' A sheepish grin was flashed towards you. You shook your head at Wanda's antics, she was always doing something like this when you least expected just so she could surprise you. She loved seeing the look on your face every time she surprised you with something sweet, 'Come on, let me take care of you and help you get ready for the day. You don't have to do a thing,' Wanda picked you up bridal style and took you back towards your shared room.

'God I love you Wands,'

Valentine's Day SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now