Going home

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"We are /not/ going to spy on him!" Patton scolded Roman


they all looked as Logan opened the front door.

"Logan! What's going on?"

Logan shut the door and sighed. "I.. don't know what to say... I'm sorry for all of the last 24 hours as well as the distance I've put between you all and I. Um.. it's going to be hard from now on, mostly for me. Any sort of excuses I've given you two have been totally bullshit.." he glanced at Patton. "Pardon my language."

"Are you coming back?" Patton asked hopefully

Logan closed his eyes painfully. "Um, it's been a lot and maybe it's a bit ironic now, but I need to be alone. I'll be back at breakfast and we'll go from there."

Roman nodded and hugged him, Patton soon followed.

"I'm sorry," Logan whispered.


Logan stepped through the door to Imagination. He stared at his door and knew that he wasn't ready to get back there quite yet.

Imagination was wild. Going from the mindpalace to Imagination was like someone going from a nice house with many different very trained pets to the middle of a jungle far from any other humans.


*Okay just some more backstory but this time I'm not going to try that hard to explain outside of this paragraph but you probably can still skip it and be fine.*

Imagination is wild with the twins. Now without the twins? Well, not that different. But it's not recommended to go without a twin. Despite the twins being in control of it, the Imagination had many unknowns. There's always been a wild. It lives with the twins and it loves the twins and continues in their patterns. It gives life to the magical animals they conjure. It takes care of the living things in the world. It controls the weather and the day and night cycle (when the twins aren't messing with it).

But when the twins stopped living there? The wild started doing a bit of its own thing. I must be clear: the wild was never and is never alive. The wild is 'the natural' if the Imagination (well close to a natural as something could be).

So if a side was used to the way the Imagination was before (risky to go alone) and not how it is now (actually dangerous) then maybe something might happen.

Does the wild love the other sides like it does the twins? No. But doesn't it know them the same amount of time? Well.. yes, but you have to remember that the wild is not alive. It loves in a lot more complicated ways. Complicated as in hard to describe. Maybe love isn't even the right word but it's the word you get. The wild loved the other sides as it did any other animal in that world. It recognized and knew them as part of Imagination. But it did not stop a lioness from eating a bunny, from a bunny from eating a Jaguar, from a Jaguar attacking a giant ant, from a giant ant absolutely destroying a unicorn. And like that, it would not stop it's forests and lands from hurting Logan. 


Logan stood in the middle of the woods in the middle of Imagination. He hated that Roman and Remus named so few things. Buildings and lakes are all they named. Also half the train stations of Roman's train. The other sides, despite living there, felt that it was the twins' land, so the naming was completely up to them, or lack of.

He wasn't completely stupid, so, of course, he went to Roman's side. Now the spread of the wild made the divide not as clear as it was before, but the doors were always in the middle and the twins came every once and a while to clean up and enjoy their world.

Logan didn't know about wild but he did know somewhat about the effect of wild and how it changed Imagination. So he wasn't surprised by the changes that were made.

Logan found a clearing and sat down in some moss. It had been a while since he had come to Imagination. The few minutes he had been in Imagination while Roman told him about Logan's new world did not tell Logan about anything Imagination went through.

He only knew of the new dangers through Roman, who was still mostly in full control of the world. The mind palace didn't have a wild. It had a true nature like real Earth. It was pre-set to copy Earth and was predictable.

He laid down in the soft moss and relaxed. He immediately regretted that. He was bound by the very moss he laid down on. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself so he could think rationally. A heavy feeling on his chest distracted him and he wondered if he was having a panic attack. He suddenly opened his eyes, realizing the change in lighting and.. well, it wasn't a panic attack.

A small rhinoceros stood on top of his chest. You're probably thinking that even a small rhino is huge, but this rhinoceros was tiny. It was the size of a smallish dog and weighed a little more than that. It touched its squishy horn to Logan's forehead and Logan couldn't help but smile in relief. It was an original Roman design. One of his harmless ones.

After a few minutes the rhino clomped away, fortunately not stepping on his face. The whole thing was very fortunate. Logan didn't chance sitting down again and continued straight (haha) to Roman's castle.

Unfortunately but expected, Roman's castle was pretty far. The sides used Roman's train, which travelled from the middle forest's edge to Roman's castle and beyond.

Even though Logan didn't know about how dangerous Imagination could be to him, he still knew that it was foolish for him to travel through Imagination by himself but his reasoning was more practical earth sort of smarts. It's not the best to travel at almost sunset to a place at least an hour away that you aren't sleeping in. Especially since half the journey's time was spent in the woods with animals he didn't know.

While Logan did not know about the wild, he was not surprised when he saw the train not stop at the station in the distance. The stations were little houses that had food and water stores in the younger days. Now they looked to be home to a bunch of creatures. Logan watched the train barrel towards him. He noticed nervously the group of animals milling around. He watched them in amazement. But he couldn't marvel on it long as soon it was his turn. He jumped on and wondered if it truly was the twins' leftover magic (which he thought the wild was) or Roman's choice that this train became the way it did. Either way, by the looks of it, it has been a whole, for a bunch of animals have become used to the train's operations.

He stayed standing for the duration of the train trip, making sure to stay out of the way of the other passengers. Especially away from the door, which was always open.

The animals did not care about the stations themselves for the most part, so there was a regular on and off activity near the door.

Logan jumped off at his stop. He made his way to the castle. It would be like five minutes away if it was flat land but unfortunately the castle was on a hill.

After Logan circled the hill (of course the station had to be facing the back and he remembered how extremely difficult it was to find the back door and he did not trust the magic not to make it even harder), he made his way up the hill and got to the front. The castle had a little drawbridge but it was used as a second door for security and did not have a moat (since the incident of Patton falling in and almost drowning). 

Logan wondered if he was able to get into the castle and what'll be like. But if he knew about the wild, he wouldn't have to worry. Direct spells were not disturbed. If Remus made a tree, the wild could spread the tree wherever it wanted. If Roman put a spell so that the tree could only live on his side, it nor its children could not grow past the border without any sort of change. There was only a few cases where wild decided to evolve something to loophole spells. But either way, Logan did not know any of that. Roman had made a spell so that only the sides could enter the castle, so Logan was able to easily go into the castle. 

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