Backstory: creative control

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Let's start with the backstory. I'm going to make it so you don't have to read this part to understand the proper story if you just want to get into it.

Also I call them by their 'original names' uh the backstory, so janus is deceit obviously. I'm just saying that the sides all knew about Remus and child sides wouldn't know about intrusive thoughts so Remus is Second Creativity (Roman being first). Extra angst makes Virgil paranoia, and you all know about logic and morality.

When the sides were children, all of them lived in Imagination, that was their home. Often it created problems, Imagination was hard to control and the sides were at the liberty of the twins. While the other sides did have some creative control, it was limited, more like changing the colour of the wall of their room, compared to the twins' full creative power.

One day, First Creativity found a solution, which he immediately presented to the others. A pocket world. It was small (for a world), consisting of a huge house, a park, a playground, a store, and a forest. The world's edge was the forest, meaning if you wandered through the forest, you would end up on the other side of the world. Now why a store? You may be wondering. In this world, they had similar limitations to the last, it took a lot less difficulty to replace what was already there then creating something new. They don't have stores in their original world and there aren't any other people, but Thomas obviously has been to stores and met people. Don't think about it too hard 😅. The creativity twins had the same limitations in this world after it was created.

Conflict made it so Deceit, Second Creativity, and Paranoia choose to live in the original world (Imagination) for a while. Soon, Second Creativity made a second, similar pocket world. It originally consisted of a huge house, extensive garden, empty haunted house (for the little Halloween lovers they were), greenhouse,and a forest. While First Creativity's world was mostly set after creation, Second Creativity often changed his. Less to do with Second Creativity impulsiveness and more because of conflict. The haunted house became Paranoia's home when living with the two other inhabitants became too much.

Originally, both creativity could somewhat easily teleport between the three worlds, and the others could also but with difficulty. Conflict often was the cause of a lot of changes. It was because of conflict that Dark Creativity (as the newly named 'light sides' called him) made a door. Well, first he made it so the 'lights' couldn't teleport in, but it was a finicky spell that only fully worked with Morality. Dark Creativity soon found that making it so that no one could teleport in or out of the Dark Side Lair (Deceit accepted the dark title and named the world), was far easier, especially when making a door to finish the spell. Then of course, the natural next step, only the Dark Sides could enter or leave through the door (unless invited, like a vampire, Paranoia found that funny).

Light Creativity (he called himself this, as what is a first without a second?) soon also added a door to the Second World (Morality didn't want to call it light side lair, logic seconded this). This door didn't keep anyone out ("it used to be their home too, Creativity!") but only made it easier to go back to Imagination. Imagination became the neutral ground between the two worlds.

In adult life, Second World became the Mindpalace (though the darks often called it Light Lair), Second - er Remus' room and.. Janus' room still remained. Neither opened and both stayed in their childish conformity. Dark Side Lair became the Dark World, and the haunted house was removed for the chaos lab. Imagination, despite being often visited by the twins (far from each other it's a big enough world), was no longer ruled by the two and was permanently more wild.

Don't expect it to be good if you like the backstory., like I'm pretty sure the backstory is more detailed then the actual fic

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