

As Masami was making her way to deliver the papers, something else was occurring in the classroom of 1-A. More specifically, they were just receiving the news of a new teacher. 

"Before we start anything," Aizawa said after dealing with everyone's surprise at him actually coming to school after being so injured. Though, the students admitted that he had healed a lot more than they expected. "There's one thing you should know regarding the rest of this year's hero training classes." The class tensed in apprehension. "From this point forth, you guys will have a new teacher for Heroics once a week." He glared, his hair raising up as his quirk activated when the class started to talk among themselves. "She'll be a familiar face for most of you, so try not to freak out too much."

He sighed as the students started giving each other apprehensive looks, wondering why Aizawa would expect them to freak out.

Aizawa really didn't get paid enough for this. 

He turned his head to the door. "I guess you can come in and introduce yourself or whatever."

Nearly everybody jumped as the door slammed open and in skipped Shirokage, who may or may not have still been panicking internally, not that it showed. 

A few of the students' faces just showed mild recognition, others showed panic, others confusion, and there was even an expression of anger (guess who) as the vigilante gallivanted into the room like she owned the place. 

"Hello, Class 1-A~" Shirokage chirped as she stood in front of the class with her hands clasped together behind her back. "It's nice to meet you under more… peaceful circumstances. For those of you who don't already know me, my name is Shirokage, the number one and most wanted vigilante in all of Japan," the young girl grinned, almost sadistically underneath her mask, "as well as your new teacher! I look forward to getting to know all of you during the remainder of the school year!"



Masami paused, her hand had been preparing to knock on the large door to Class 1-A when she heard a collective shout coming from the class before hearing absolute chaos break out among the students. 

Maybe now was a bad time?

Then again, Present Mic had asked her to deliver papers. It would be a bit awkward to go back to class without accomplishing such. So the real question was which situation would be more awkward: interrupting whatever pandemonium was going on inside Class 1-A or returning to her own classroom and having to tell Present Mic that she couldn't do as he'd asked?


Masami tilted her head in thought, her hand still raised next to the door. 

She supposed that she had always been nosy….

She knocked on the door, only to receive no answer to come in. 

She could only assume that she couldn't be heard over everybody in the classroom. Masami bit her lip before coming to a decision. She slowly opened the door and peeked her head in. 

It didn't exactly take much to figure out the cause of all the chaos as she laid eyes upon Shirokage, who was honestly looking a bit unimpressed by the class' reactions. Though, even as she was staring down the class, Masami knew that the vigilante had noticed her presence. 

Masami ignored all that, though, and she instead let her eyes glance over the room to look for Aizawa, her eyes lighting up a bit when she noticed that he was now lying on the floor in his iconic yellow sleeping bag behind the podium.

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