Chapter 2: Breathing New Air

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I grinned and nodded. I'd suspected that we were in the Dragonyte Kingdom. I mean, is there any other kingdoms with dragons?

"Ah! Such an honour it is to meet the mythical White Zen Clan!" I declared.


Fujitaka smiled broadly. "Now, I need everyone to take a rest. We will take care of everything else tomorrow morning. Eriol-kun, you could follow Yukito-kun and Touya-kun. Sakura-chan, Kero-chan, both of you would have to sleep somewhere else, because Li-kun would need the bed to fully recover. Is that okay?" He ordered. Everyone nodded.

Tegrel, Lelias, Rizurel, Artemis, Touya, Yukito and Eriol left for their designated chambers.

Fujitaka, Kero and Sakura held back.

"Sakura. You can use 'Create' to make a bed for yourself, Kero and Mayii." Sakura nodded and grabbed Syaoran's bag and the mysterious scroll.

"Otou-san... What's this?" Sakura held the scroll up in the air. Fujitaka took it from her and sighed.

"It's a Connection Letter. You might've learnt about it in your lessons." Fujitaka informed and started to enter the palace. Sakura followed him with her head down, nodding quietly. Kero patted her shoulders and she tried desperately to smile.

[Li-san...] She recalled the memories of her and Xian Long.

No... she would stay tough... for them all.


Sakura sat up in her 'created' bed and yawned. She looked over to the snoring Kero, and searched for Mayii.

She sighed.

"Mayii, I give up on finding you." She said in a sad tone. This happens every morning. Mayii would hide somewhere in the palace and Sakura would have to find her. She could just leave her to starve, but she's too damn nice to let that happen. After all... the little critter was her personal guardian, other than Kero.

Usually, if she has high spirits, she would seek for Mayii, but today... she even needed some encouragement to open her eyelids!

Hearing Sakura's unusual sad tone, Mayii popped her head out from under the wardrobe.

She squeezed out of the small space and flew to her human friend.

"Mistress? Is there something wrong?"

Mayii was a small creature, no bigger than Kero. She has long, floppy ears and a plump, round body. She has a pink spherical gem on her forehead. If you have a good imagination, you could see that she closely resembles a stout rabbit.

Sakura looked up and smiled faintly. She weakly pointed to Syaoran's limp body in her original bed, and sobbed.

Mayii sat on Sakura's left shoulder, her round eyes observing the sleeping orphaned Prince.

"The Li Kingdom..." Mayii started, and let out a small sigh. She used her ears to wipe away Sakura's continuous tear spill. Sakura hiccoughed and thanked her silently.

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