Chapter 1: A Kingdom Gone, A Kingdom Found

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"CODE RED, CODE RED!" Bii Lou Rang shouted as he ran through the crowded main hallway of Li Castle to the Throne Room. The maids in the corridor looked strangely at the frightened soldier, who had disappeared around a corner, and then looked at each other. Suddenly, they're eyes widened in shock. This he just say... Code Red? They scrambled everywhere, dropping their dusters and brooms, buckets and cloths.

They had to notify the others.


Xian Long Li advanced his chess piece across the checkered board calmly. He smiled at his Royal Magician.

Eriol Hiiragizawa stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Very wise, Your Majesty. However, I am sure tha-"

A soldier collapsed against the mahogany doors, forcing them to burst open. The heavily armored man fell face down onto the red carpet, but he stood up again, wobbling slightly.

"...Bii Lou Rang?" Eriol whispered to himself, almost out of astonishment. But Bii Lou's post wasn't in the kingdom... He was supposed to guard the bridge over Silver-Forged River!

"Your Highest Majesty... the Black Zen Clan... is attacking...!" That was all Bii Lou managed to say before he dropped on his knees, and died instantly, his mouth still parted from speaking.

Members of the high court and the council gasped, and murmurs started around the room.

A pool of black blood flowed disgustingly from a cut at the side of the soldier's chest. He must've been stabbed by a cursed sword.

"This is disaster!"

"We are no match for the Black Zen Clan!"

"Legend has it that they could only be defeated by dragons!"

"The White Zen Clan is the only Clan with dragons, but they don't exist, right?!"

"Yes! So we are doomed!"

Xian Long abruptly got onto his feet. He raised his hand, and the room immediately fell silent.

That's when they heard the distant screams of the peasants.

Some of the honourable nobles shuddered fearfully. The screams echoed inside the soundless room, bouncing off the walls, creating an eerie atmosphere.

"Tell me, dear friends; do you love this kingdom?" Xian Long suddenly asked his royal advisors and the members of the council and the high court. They all blinked, awestruck at the level of calmness in their leader's voice. Slowly, one by one, they all nodded.

"Then fight with me!" Yelled the aging king. The whole crowd gasped again.

"He's lost it!" They commented.

"What are we going to do?!"

The Superior Judge stepped out boldly from the crowd. He was an elderly man in his sixties, with white hair, and a long, white beard. Despite his appearance, he was a kind and respectful man, and his faded blue eyes always had that twinkle of intelligence in them, although they were hidden behind his ancient glasses.

"I shall fight for this kingdom." The assembly gasped yet again. The Superior Judge, properly named Jin Hui Zhang, turned to them.

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