~Nothing Will Change

Start from the beginning

Jiraiya acted out of instinct and pulled Orochimaru into a hug. He felt him tense up on his chest until he couldn't hold it anymore and kept crying but he had both his arms between Jiraiya's chest and his face. As if trying to establish some sort of defense mechanism.

"I know I shouldn't have done it even if Minako gave me permission to take them after the funeral I NEVER WANTED TO GET TO THIS-" was all he could stutter.

"Is ok..." was all Jiraiya could say while he makes sure Orochimaru gets everything out of his system. Jiraiya just learned that he found him just on time because if he didn't, maybe this experiment would of escalated and would've done unspeakable things... he didn't want to think about that...

Orochimaru seemed to try and get out words.

"Hey... is ok... take your time..." said Jiraiya lowly.

This made Orochimaru lower his arms. Not having them shield him in the hug anymore and slowly wrapped his arms around Jiraiya.

Jiraiya couldn't help escape a side smile, mainly because he had never hugged Jiraiya back

'wait... why does that make me happy?'

'friends hug all the time'

'i normally hug my friends'

'but i don't feel like this hugging my other friends.........'

"My parents told me..."

The silence was finally broken and also the hug, which upset Jiraiya a little. Mostly because he wanted to keep comforting him.

"They told me a lot of things... they were very happy to see me and how much I grew up since then... I told them about you guys and how we became the sannins which made my dad very prideful saying it was because of his genes and my mom slapped him in the back like she always did" said Orochimaru with a chuckled after it. Jiraiya smiled.

"They asked me why they were here and I proceeded to explain my plans to bring them back, make everyone stay..."

The little joyous tone that Orochimaru had a second before disappeared and for some reason Jiraiya knew where this was going.

"When I said that, they got... sad" 

There was another moment of silence that Jiraiya didn't dare to break.

"I asked them why they were sad and they just looked at me, grabbed my hands and said that they were at peace... and that if it wasn't because it was me who interrupted it....... they would be upset."

Jiraiya could see how Orochimaru was battling with those words. Maybe he didn't understand what that meant completely.

"You know..." Jiraiya spoke and Orochimaru looked at him.

"Death is part of life... that's how I like to think about it. It doesn't mean is the end tho."

Orochimaru didn't quite understand yet.

"Your parents were sad of the thought of been brought back to life right?"

"Yes but I know is because they might think is impossible but if I keep on my track I can definitely make it happen." said slowly as if he was hearing himself talk.

"Orochimaru... think about it this way..." his eyes were back to Jiraiya again.

"Death is inevitable because is part of life. Some people are taken way too early, some people live a long life until nature calls for them. If you try to take them out of where they're supposed to be now, they will naturally not like it because they already belong in that next step of life... but if it's any consolation, no matter what scenario it is, is never a goodbye..."

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