Euphoric chapter 1

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Caohime's first story! okok quick note: brief mention of past sh starting at" the pulse in her ears felt safe" and ends at "the air felt saccharine sweet and gross"

✎✎✎The wind blew across the empty street, and Olive held onto her beaten up baseball cap. The cap, which had been handed down through generations, was probably the most expensive thing she owned. She was in pre-med at NYU, and her tuition pushed her further into debt every day. She had a scholarship, but it wasn't full ride. 

Plus, living expenses. She shared a apartment in soho with her best friend, Kendra. She probably should've thanked her father more, as he'd helped her so much in the past. But time had moved too quickly,and she was alone in a big city, about to fly 800 miles to South Carolina to be in a mr beast video, of all things. "At least there isn't jet lag" olive repeated, under her breath. She'd always been terrified of flying. 

 The worst moment in her life was the plane ride from Australia to South Carolina. She left her home, her friends, and everything she knew behind. It'd been 11 years since she'd first stepped foot in America, and she hadn't been happy since then.

(ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Time skip to airport) 

Olive stood in the security line, wishing for anything else. When it was finally her turn to get her passport checked, she pulled her mask down and attempted to match the expression that she had made in the picture.The woman behind the counter let her through, and she thanked her. It was painful to have to go through security.

The lines, full of screaming children, and old guys who continually looked her up and down, made her want to throw up. And then it was time to board the plane. Olive took a deep breath. This was happening. She sat down, and shuddered.

Then, she felt an aggressive tap on her shoulder. A middle aged white woman with an angry look on her face stared her down. "Hello, is anything wrong?" Olive said sweetly. She hated these types of people.

And she was in for it. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah there is something wrong." The woman spoke with a distinct southern accent. "Mhm. Yeah. You see my son? Yeah. This is his seat." Olive pulled out her phone to check her tickets. Sure enough, she was in the right place. "I'm sorry ma'am, this is the seat I paid for."

The woman, who Olive had dubbed 'Karen' looked down at her. "Look, hun. My family. Okay? We need to sit with each other. So how about you just-" She reaches for olive's phone. Olive jerks her arm back across the seat. "I paid money for this seat." Olive lied. Her dad had paid for it, but that's not something she needed to tell someone.

Karen's face turned bright red, and she angrily sat down. Olive laughed under her breath, at the stupidity of it all. She reached into her carryon bag, looking for her book. The plane rumbled, and she could barely breathe.

(ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Time skip(first person)ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

I used the little screen to check the time. The plane was about halfway to South Carolina. Trying to keep my eyes away from the window, I put my head down. I had to go to the bathroom. Badly. So, with all my courage, I asked Karen to get up. Karen grumbled and rolled her eyes, like a middle schooler.

But surprisingly, she didn't cause too much trouble. I walked the length to the bathroom , gripping the seats for support. As I walked back from the bathroom, I noticed a passenger arguing with a flight attendant.

As I got closer, I recognized the passenger's voice. Karen."What do you mean?! I have a right to photograph people. I wasn't doing anything wrong-" she saw me. And I saw her. With her hand in my backpack, taking photos of my things. I felt sick.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷(After olive lands(third person)ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

Olive walked into the crowded baggage claim. Her eyes scanned the crowds. Where was she? "OLLIE!" Someone screams. Olive turns around. And then Olive turns around. "KENDRA!" She yells and runs toward her to hug her. "I've missed you so much! So much hashappenedohmygoshremeberjoshfromhighschoolyeahwedatedandthenirealizedilikegirlsalsoigotaphonenowsowecantextandimstayingwithyouguysbecauseimdroppingout" "wait wait what?" She felt so much better. 

Being with Kendra, her best friend, always made her feel loved. Her dad was waiting, and she hugged him. Her sibling texted Olive a week ago, saying they had a date and couldn't make it to pick her up, but that they were excited to see her. And then they got in the car, and Olive had never been happier. She had the three people she loved most with her, listening to the radio and laughing. If only it was always like this. 

The pulse in her ears felt safe. But the scars from mistakes she'd made sat white on her arms, and a growing nervousness settled in her gut. The air felt saccharine sweet and gross. In a day, she'd have to compete in a challenge. Win it all, lose it all. "Fuh-ck"

770 words


Hi guys! This is my first story, and I hope you like it. Constructive criticism is valued. So is any other type of feedback, as long as it isn't mean cuase that's mean!

Wear your seatbelts

- Caoh✎✎✎

Euphoric..? /sapnap x oc/حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن