Mont Saint-Michel (Seme France x Uke Russia SMUT)

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"That's lovely!" Russia giggled, cheeks dusted a pale pink in contentment. Before he could stop himself, he added. "Shall I send you directly to heaven?"

Grimacing, Russia turned away from France. Why did I say that? Things were going so well... he thought anxiously to himself. He desperately wanted for others to like him and want to be friends with him, yet he was never able to stop himself from saying such things. Casting a glance towards France to see his reaction, he was surprised to find that rather than an expression of terror, France was still smiling.

"Eh bien..." France paused, thinking. "There is another place I know of that a lot of people would consider heaven."


Having gained permission, France and Russia stood alone in front of Mont Saint-Michel. The clouds were deep oranges and pinks as the sun set behind them, casting a quivering path of gold across the bay. Russia's excitement had only seemed to grow as the day had progressed, and now wasn't an exception. His eyes reflected the glow of the sun as he ogled the fortress bathed in the dying light of the sun.

"Everyone I bring here enjoys it," France finally broke the silence between them. He then muttered under his breath: "Except for England."

"That's because it's beautiful. I don't think there'd be anyone who doesn't enjoy this."

The inside of the fortress couldn't have been more different to its exterior however. "The outside is so majestic, but the inside feels a bit lonely, doesn't it?" Russia commented as they wandered through numerous empty rooms. "It would be nicer for the monks too if there were some more decorations and furniture and such-"

"There used to be furniture and decorations in here, you know? But they were all taken away during the French Revolution..."

Russia nodded slowly. "So you're recreating the time when everything was stolen. I get it."

France heaved himself up to sit in a windowsill. At his gesture to join him, Russia hesitantly pulled himself up and sat alongside him. The blazing sun sunk lower in the sky, casting dark shadows across the entirety of Mont Saint-Michel; the sky went to from pink, to orange, to red, and finally to a dark blue. He swivelled his head to gaze at Russia.

He really did look cute in this moment. His fair hair and complexion bathed in light, long lashes fluttering when he blinked; his lips were parted ever so slightly as he watched the sunset, hands clasped together in his lap. He had never seen the usually intimidating nation looking so at peace with the world before. 


Russia blinked and looked towards the other man. "Да?"

His eyes widened as France pressed his lips to his, momentarily frozen in place before relaxing and returning the kiss. France slid his palms into Russia's lap to gently grasp the other's hands, running his thumbs along the backs. Russia could feel his face heat up at the gesture.

Breaking the kiss, France gave Russia's hands a slight squeeze before sliding out of the windowsill. He gently pulled Russia so that he was facing him and slotted himself in between his legs. "Shall we continue, poupée?"

Russia eagerly tugged the other man closer by the front of his shirt and reconnected their lips, sighing contentedly once they made contact. Smiling at his enthusiasm, France deepened the kiss, hands moving to rest on the winter nation's waist.

Moving so suddenly that Russia barely had any time to react, France pulled Russia off of the windowsill and set him down on the floor, hovering above him. The movement had separated their lips, and they wasted no time in rectifying this. Warm heat engulfed his body as they kissed, the expert movements of France's tongue drawing small groans from him. With the avidity of the kiss, Russia nearly missed the top button of his jeans being undone and the zip pulled down.

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