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Chapter = Memories_______________________________________

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Chapter = Memories

Some moments from book which I actually didn't not wrote cause it would have taken time cause I am actually not gonna write anything on valentines day cause on this day something very bad happened in my country and I don't think that I can still see this day with the same eyes.
The things I am gonna right here are from the days when taehyung didn't went outside

Kim's apartment

When both of the husbands were silently eating there dinner ,one of them was looking towards the other with some small glances , seeing that his husband was trying not show that he was not eating the garlic in it .
After observing this thing from days ,he finally spoke up.

"Why don't you eat garlic,do you don't like it" , jungkook said while looking at taehyung.

"No , its actually good " as taehyung took one bite of it in his mouth not chewing but particularly gulping it down .

After eating the food ,it was first time for jungkook to wash the dishes after dinner he was shocked too but he excepted it too .
After all he was just a boy who is more over a huswife .
At that moment he literally thought that tae will become more colder but he hopes so not .

After washing dishes when jungkook went to there shared room.
Jungkook was created with his husband coming out of the bathroom with a big thick robe while looking pale .

As suddenly everything froze ,is it was jungkook who was slow or was the people coming inside of his home .
They were running grabbing his husband with out even telling him where they were taking his too.

As every one went on leaving jungkook alone there ,one person came to him and said that you should sleep Mr.Kim will be fine .

The next day he was feeling like a dead soul not having any physical contact with his husband makes him like this .He was just too much addicted.

As the time of lunch came while he was working suddenly someone came and standed infront of him .
"Please come with mr.jungkook"
The very moment jungkook wanted to refuse but he remembered this girl from last night that's why he went on with her .
After being escourted by the lady towards the car jungkook sat on it .
As the purple car moved towards the City Hospital .

"Thank you uncle " ,jungkook said while getting out of the car.
As he moved towards the enterance,he found a beautiful male who didn't asked him anything but instead started walking in front of him showing him the way towards his husband's room.

As the door got opened by jungkook ,he saw his husband setting on a hospital bed while reading newspaper having his golden glasses on.

As jungkook's body suddenly got pushed forward on its own to hug his husband .His husband also ruffled his hair .

"What happened to you" , jungkook said with his small voice .

"Just some reaction and nothing much " taehyung said as it was nothing .

"I was scared" , jungkook said while breaking the hug just sit next to his husband.

"Don't be until I am alive " , taehyung said while pecking jungkook's forehead.

"Promise,that you will tell me first if something is wrong when ever it is related to you ",jungkook said while taking out his picky.

"Promise my lovely husband " , taehyung said while smashing his lips on his husband's.


It is for now ,i need to sleep

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