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Chapter - Dream

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Chapter - Dream

I was standing there still not moving ,I can hear him ,he is there ,I wanna reach but I can't it feels like I am in front him but he can't see me ,so many faces ,so many people but I am invisible.

There he was standing in between of these all people looking different and unique ,
my husband.

I just wanna run up to him and make him hide me and protect me as he promised.

There are so many voices saying me different things ,I don't wanna be here ,I wanna leave this place , it feels like I will die any moment .

Then suddenly it feels like I transported in different place away from those peoples but know I am alone .

It looks like peak ,I suddenly looked down and saw husband in different type of clothes while doing farming.

I was about to call him but suddenly a boy comes up to him and gave him water and I can't believe that thus boy was me.

I just took a step back because of shock but it wasn't the good idea because I falled off the cliff .

I just thought I am gonna die but I know my luck it's just a bitch.

I can see everything dulling ,my lungs feeling with water ,I am in the place were I never wanted to come again ,I can see my self standing there and getting punished for the deeds I never did .

The only thing I can do was to run and so I did .

I suddenly got teleported to some place it looks like a big castle , I don't know why but my feets started walking on there own to the destination I don't know ,I am just walking and walking ,there are so many workers working here and there but they are not going to one place ,so I thought about going there ,I think it was one of the biggest mistake.

Cause I was able to hear some noises from that floor ,I followed the voice and got in front of a room , you know curiosity kills the cat same happened to me .

In front of me my husband was senselessly fucking someone ,
Oh little did he know who was one getting fucked there .

Jungkook was crying standing , he wanted this all to end , it's just a nightmare ,but suddenly he heard that he should probably hear .

"Jungkookahh ,you are just so tight for daddy but I like it" ,
His husband said while depping his head between the bottoms thighs .

"Hmm ,sorry daddy" ,the voice came out of the bottom's mouth .

This voice was familiar to jungkook.
Cause this was his own voice , suddenly jungkook tears stopped coming ,he started walking towards the fucking couples to get the good vision of there faces ,he was wishing internally that the person his husband was fucking should be him.

But when got closer he saw ...........himself but with two horns and beautiful sharp eyes and sinful lips any man would get on his knees in front of this god .

Jungkook was shocked seeing himself like this he can't believe it.

So he pinched himself but nothing happened , suddenly he felt like some was watching him .
He see upwards and the room he was in changed into white and blue clouds .

He can't believe he saw his husband sitting on the throne , while a beautiful boy sitting next to him .

The boy started walking towards jungkook ,and whispered into his ears "I am you ,you are me , in every time line we are together ,we are mates , soulmates".

And then that figure of boy vanished and everything changed to normal.
Jungkook can see himself sleeping on bed and taehyung coming out of bathroom just with a towel wrapped around his torso .

Taehyung started walking towards sleeping jungkook and kissed him on his lips and said "May you got your answers" .

Suddenly everything stopped , jungkook was alone in a darkroom suddenly some figures came and front of him and said "We are your mates ,now give us our soulmates"

After that suddenly so many figures who looked like jungkook started coming out of him and started walking towards different looking husbands of his.

At the end one figure came in front of jungkook and took his hand and said "let's go mate ".

And then everything stopped nothing .
Nothing was there.
Jungkook can't take it anymore .
He shouted ,and suddenly the wall broked ,he woke up.
While panting .

The only thing is in his mind was that "his sole is also not a human "

Jungkook just smiled and turned towards his husband and kissed him on the lips just his husband did.

And started his day.
He knows that the time is coming.


How was it?



I think I changed short off
There is gonna be fluff in next 3 chapters because of someone special

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