Part 2

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Jane had been the mistress of Netherifield Park for a year.  She had spent one year overseeing the finances, food service, hiring and training of the staff, procurement, charitable contributions of the 'company' as well as the interior design of the home, and entertaining. Charles had insisted upon her redecorating each and every space of the home, convinced that she could not love the place if she had no hand over it. She had happily granted his wishes on this subject--except for one room, in which she refused to change even one curtain or painting. The bedroom in question was the bedroom she had stayed in when she had come for luncheon and caught ill. She would not change one thing about that room.

Thinking back to it now, though she had been dreadfully and painfully ill, she cherished those memories of Charles coming in to check on her. She had looked forward to seeing him every day that week, had worried over her looks and wondered if he would come to her...and each time he did, her heart fluttered and her cheeks blushed. His kindness and good humor, ... she had loved him from the moment she met him. That was nearing three years ago now, and she still felt the same giddiness when she thought back to it.

Truth be told, she had also fallen in love with Netherfield Park that week, too. She had never stayed in so grand a place, nor seen any that struck her as so beautiful.

"And of this place," thought she, "I am now the mistress! How fortunate, that I not only found love, but such beautiful love, in such a beautiful place! With these beautiful rooms I have now become so familiarly acquainted! Instead of viewing them as a stranger, I now rejoice in them as my own, and welcome to them as visitors my family and friends. Two years ago I could not have dreamed such happiness for myself. Yes, Netherfield Park is very dear to me, indeed. And yet..."

She wondered, would she find the same sort of comfort in another place? Of physical comfort she thought not at all, she knew that she would be generously provided for wherever they lived. What she meant was the comfort of her heart and her soul. Could she be truly happy so far from her family? In a new place, one of which she was so unfamiliar? What if she missed Netherfield, and then could not have it back? What if the memories she had of falling in love here were to fade, what if she could no longer recall the color of the wallpaper in the ballroom where she had danced with Charles? What if she forgot the hue of the light streaming in through their private bedroom in the morning? Did she not want to raise her children here, and to share this special place with them??

She had so much to consider. She was still dwelling on her conversation with Charles last night, twirling a silver spoon over her teacup, when Dottie came in to interrupt her reverie.

"Excuse me, ma'am, would you like help to dress this morning?"

"Oh! Dottie, you did startle me!"

Her thoughts turned from her family to her estate. Dottie might be willing to follow her...but what of the remaining staff? Where would they go, who would employ them if Netherfild was to shutter up? They have children, homes, families of their own to care for. If they lost their jobs because Jane decided to move... she could not stand the thought of Dottie out on the streets, working as a seamstress for pennies again. 

She had met Dottie in the warehouse ... (need more backstory, WIP)

She rose from her place by the window, and went to her wardrobe with Dottie, so she could dress for the day and go downstairs, no doubt to see what fresh hell her mother raised today. 

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