an eventful weekend

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Thrusting and hard into type, tharn moved his body to his to place his forehead to his back to take in deep breathes, has type was to the table to be filled.
Type took in a deep breathe has he tensed to then have cummed to the floor.
Tharn then took in a very deep breathe to pull himself out to then smack types ass to then go about to the kitchen to retrieve there food he had to place to the microwave to re heat.
Type took in a deep breathe to gulp, to then move his head forward to place his forehead to the table to then move his hands under neath himself to then get slowly up to then step away to then grab his sweatpants to bring them up to eye through the glass to see his cum stain to the carpet to grit his teeth.
I..... Really am nothing more then my body.....
Type then widened his eyes a bit has he saw a plate of food to the table to then sign a bit.
Tharn looked to type to eye him a bit confused with that sign.
"Is this not what you were wanting?"
Type shrugged to then sit.
Tharn looked him over to then turn to go to his seat to then dig in, he was very hungry.
Type darted his eyes over the plate in a sober mood.
Tharn chewed to then look up to eye across the way.
"Aren't you hungry?"
"Not..... Really....."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then get back up to then stand to the side to then place a hand to types chin to then turn it to the side for them to eye the other.
"I've felt your body type, your losing weight. You need to eat, would you like me to feed you?"
Types eyes widened to then take his head away from his hand to then bring up a hand to then grab the fork to then start to dig in to smile a bit, this level of concern tharn was showing over him was making him happy and feel warm.
Tharn looked over him to nod to then go back to his seat to then start to eat, type then moved his head up has he chewed to see tharns phone start to go off.
Tharn rolled his eyes to then gather that phone to place to his ear.
Type chewed slowly has he listened to the conversation.
Tharn signed to then nod to place the invite down to eye.
"Always have to work."
"Are you going to the office?"
"I have a lap top here, can get this done at home, this is our weekend."
Types lips parted to take in a deep breathe to then look down, this made his heart soar.
After breakfest, type was before the sink to do the dishes to take in deep breathes.
Damnit...... When I start to pull away from this jackass he manages to pull me back in.....
Type made a face to then place his hands under the faucet to then wash and dry, to turn to place his body to the edge of the sink to look down.
Fuck! I want him...... Want him so bad but......
Type moved his head forward to eye across the way.
Shit! I'm falling for this man and hard, even though I dont really know him and he won't talk to me and even after all he has done, I just can't seem to......
Type signed to then step forward to go and find tharn.
Finally finding him to a work office room, type placed himself to the door frame to look in with a Furrowed brow.
Tharn to the desk was typing and quick, he wanted to be done and spend the weekend with type, rather they talked or not.
Type took in a deep breathe to then go forth to stand behind him to eye.
"Is there..... Anything I can do to help?"
"Mm.... Can you clean the carpet of your load?"
Types eyes widened to make a face to have his ears turned red.
"You saw that?"
"The table is see through type."
Type took in a very long breathe to then step a bit closer to then place his hands to tharns shoulders to start to rub, not to really know what he was doing but didn't mind it.
Tharns eyes widened to slow down his typing.
"What...... What are you doing?"
Type then started to move his hands further down to run then up and down.
"Can I...... Do something else to help?"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
He then turned in his chair to then look to type.
"Did I not satisfy you this morning?"
Type shrugged.
"I was thinking.... Since you are too be working, I can..... Do something for you."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
Are you actually wanting this? This is the first step of many of you falling for me then.....
Tharns body quivered has his ex went through his mind.
Tharn took in a deep breathe.
That is not going to fucking happen again!
Tharn then down his legs.
"Sure this is what you are too be referring to. Go down my little bitch."
Types lips parted, the nice, concerned, warm tharn that was there to the table was not the man that was before him now.
Type gritted his teeth to then turn to leave.
"Never mind! Go and fuck yourself!"
Tharn watched type go with a face to take in a deep inhale.
Have to keep you away...... We can not fully fall for the other, just can't, it ends in heart break......I know it all to well.
Tharns eyes darted, to then turn in his chair to then look over the computer to make a face to then bring up his hand to turn it off.
I can finish this later, need to make this right.
Tharn then got up to go about.
Type with a bucket next to him, was to the floor, with a rag that was filled with a dis infection to scrub at the floor to grit his teeth.
Why am I here!? Why am I trying to get closer to this man!? Why am I even trying? I need to leave and find a fucking woman and forget all about this asshole! This is nothing but a game to him, I am nothing but my body to him! I am..... Nothing to him!
Type Furrowed his brow in anger to then place his other hand to the tag to really scrub out the cum that was already cleaned.
Tharn came about to eye this action to widened his eyes a bit.
Mm..... That ass.....
Tharn watched type wiggle his butt, to then lick his lips to step forward.
Need to...... Make this right.... In my way...
Tharn smiled to go to type.

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