Chapter 12 || Blame and dinner

Start from the beginning

The blame and dinner
Brat and the beast

Happy 100k on His Untamed Heart!

Again a 5k chapter! Enjoyyyyyy🥰🥰🥰


The boiling water scorched my smooth skin. Squinting my eyes to the cheap lighting of the room, I blew on my burning limbs, which had turned red due to the barbaric act of the sinister guy sitting ahead of me. I was locked in a shabby jail that looked like it was locked for years. A biting smell of dried blood was emanating from this particular place. The jail had glass doors covering the four corners. Which means all the revulsion was reserved only to me, not to the black masked spiteful brute, Kim Seok Jin.

He was sitting like the king he was. His curvy black leather comfy chair was set down, away from the place where I was locked with a generous amount of space in between. That didn't diminish the chances for him to hear me cry. He need not have to step in this pigsty to hear my cries. The tortures inflicted on me had my vocal cords working on its hightest level to scream to the level of agony.

My limbs were almost dead with the gruesome shackles that took hold of my wrist and legs. Across me was sitting the dumb arxe hole boring holes into my head. There was no trace of love in his eyes. He stared at me with a passionate hate sizzling to seize my breathing source. His eyes said he wanted me dead. If that was easy! A guileful smile was planted on my chapped lips when I realised the might I hold. Not much to an extending length where I can free myself of this. But when it's Aria, my deals can be valued with the possible truths I stored with me. 

Aria needs me for her answers in the near future. Sooner or later she would come in search of me. Let's not push the fact that they will not kill me without getting permission from the Queen of twists! Fuck her and her brain! If I was paying the blind spots a good amount of attention I would have not ended in his shambles. Well that would be a lie. A hollow lie. There is no shame in admitting that I didn't expect that from her. Let alone get tortured by this muthead. The fuxked up tosser infront of me was my favourite victim apart from my Tae. The witch wrecked it all. She even turned this fuxking coward against me that he has built  the nerve to lock me up and torture me for the bitxh, Aria!

He was a handsome fuxed up coward! Fuxking coward! He was a loser! A fucxking loser! How did he ball up and become this cruel man?

Diverting my attention to the place around me I swallowed hard looking at the creeping walls with spider webs. The dingy room was lit below the average lights. Possible dirt on the grotty tiles were now sticking onto my porcelain skin. Little vertebrates were crawling over the walls. The air around me was compressing my windpipe as a wave of nausea hit me. Churns were caused due to the reflex of multiple sources resonating this place, adding onto its profound threats. Disgust filled me, making the bile rise in my throat. I was in a state of throwing up but unfortunately I wouldn't -- or more like I couldn't because of not taking a grain of food in the past week.

My blood was infuriated to an alarming level that my body went completely hot with fury! This should not have been me. This should have been the bitch! Aria! Lee fuxking Aria! The foxy bitxh turned the plates!

Rising my head to meet the tosser our gaze met. He elegantly moved his hands motioning the guards to exit the room. They dispersed in seconds and the King, royally removed his mask. He was one fine piece of specimen. Really alluring. Perfect fuxkable body and a hot mess look. At some point of time I was infatuated with this handsome hunk. I would have fuxked him if he didn't resist it in the beginning. He wanted our first after marriage. How can I when the only groom I ever wish for was his brother? I did miss having my way with him. He is worth every bit. I might have fallen if Taehyung wasn't on frame. Well this heart is only for Taehyung to love now. He is my obsession and I'll never lose my battle to the bitch Aria.

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