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*lip bite* sorry in advance ahaha


The past few days had been the most relaxing in a while. Nobody was shouting angrily at each other (That is to say, without malicious intent. If they did yell it was jokingly). It was mainly spent with Matt and the others, recording footage for vlogs and all around just having a good time. Sitting on the couch that was in the sitting room, you were sitting on your phone, not really paying attention to what was on screen. It was nice to have some background audio though. Droid was sat on the couch as well, doing virtually the same thing you were.

Twitter had hardly anything interesting on it, the regular news along with some weird tag that had decided to trend. A text popped up on your screen. The last thing you wanted to see while you were there.


We're going to have a serious talk when you get home

Your face fell and your demeanor changed immediately, Droid taking notice as your posture changed. "(Y/n)? You alright?"

You didn't respond as you opened the text, an image coming though as you did.

The image was a picture of your oh so familiar bedsheets, tiny, empty bottles that once held your testosterone, and your old binders.

What is all this? I'm calling you right now.

Your phone started ringing soon after, you abruptly standing to walk somewhere. "(Y/n)?" Droid said as you stood, him about to follow you when you stopped him. "I need to handle this on my own. I'm done being pushed around."

He understood and sat back down, awaiting your return as you stepped into the hallway of the hotel. That was about as private as things could get when it came to a phone call. Tapping the screen, your mothers voice rang out.

"What were you thinking?! Taking drugs and hiding your chest, you could've hurt yourself!" She shouted. Keeping your voice as steady and low as possible, you responded. "Mom, I started doing those things, safely, might I add, when I was 18. Legally an adult and able to make my own decisions."

"When you live under my roof, you live under my rules. All we've done is provide for you, and this is how you act? Ungrateful. That's what you are. You're young and don't understand what you're doing. You're coming home tomorrow and that's final. Do you hear me?"



"I said, No. I am not. I'm going to spend time with my friends, I'm going to be happy, and I'm not coming home tomorrow. I am done being pushed around by you. You and dad are manipulative people and have been keeping me in the house! You only let me leave the house for my job which I quit because I was doing fine on my own, and I'm doing fine on my own now. I don't need you to micro manage me constantly. I am twenty-fucking-two years old. I can handle myself."

"You're out of the house."

Your face turned down into a frown. "What?"

"If you can handle yourself, then fine. Leave. You're out of the house. When you get back you have a week to get all your shit together and leave. I'll be waiting for you to come crawling back to me."

She hung up.

Blinking back tears, you walked back to the room door, only to find it had locked itself back, and you forgot your key. Knocking on the door, it almost immediately opened, Droid standing there slightly concerned, which turned into more concern when he saw your face. 

"What happened? Are you alright?"

That's what broke you.

You started crying, whipping your eyes. He pulled you into a hug, walking you back to the couch where the two of you sat, you telling him what happened on the call and the current situation. Keeping his voice calm, he kept you in a tight hug, rubbing comforting circles on your back, rocking the two of you slightly.

"Shh shh It's ok, you'll be ok, It'll all be ok, listen, the guys and I have an extra room in our house. I'll talk to them about getting you there with us, is that ok?" He asked, attempting to pull back so he could see you, only for you to hug him tighter, nodding into his shoulder. "T-that's fine, but please, don't go yet I- I just-" Your tears started up again as he wrapped his arms back around you, going back to what he was doing before.

"Hey Droid, have you seen my-"

Grizzy had walked in, stopping at the sight in front of him. "Woah, hey, what happened?" He asked, walking to the couch to sit next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "My p-parents are dickheads, that's what," you shakily said. "Kicked me out."

"I was going to ask you and Pezzy if he could move in with us,"

"Of course you can, It's completely fine. When we get back to Texas we'll drive over the next day to help you pack, ok?" He said, squeezing your shoulder comfortingly.

"Ok. T-thank you guys, so much."

"Its nothing, (Y/n), that's what friends are for, right?"

'Yeah friends...

and maybe more.'



ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 (Transmasc! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now