437 20 37

Current time: 11:45pm, 2/11/22

small warning for past self harm⚠️


When Droid woke up, he saw you were no longer there, his arm where you would've been. 

Did he..?

He shook the thought from his head, and stood up, slipping on his hoodie from yesterday, he walked out of the bedroom where his friends still snoozed, silently closing the door as not to wake them. Walking into the sitting room, there you sat, hair slightly wet presumably from a shower, in a fresh pair of clothes. Flannel, jeans, and boots. Your eyes intently trained on the TV, a hockey game playing.

"I didn't know you liked hockey,"

Not realizing he was there, you jumped slightly when he spoke. "Oh uh, yeah. Hockey's probably my favorite sport, liked it since I was a kid." You responded with a smile. 

That smile. That damned smile.

It was light and relaxed, showing that you were content with whatever was going on in the moment. It even showed up when you were talking about something you liked or were passionate about.

Like right now.

He smiled and sat next to you, watching along although he had only sort of an idea how the sport worked. "Who're we rooting for?"

"(F/h/t), liked them since I was a kid. My cousin married one of the players when I was little and we got invited to some of the games after that. Chill guy,"

He hummed and watched as the other team scored a goal, you throwing your hand towards the TV in frustration. "Oh, C'mon (Goalie name idk), you coulda gotten that," You said, slightly aggravated. But Droid saw something else. When you moved your arm up, the sleeve moved back slightly revealing a faded red line.

A scar.

The period ended and the channel went to commercial, and Droid turned to you, grabbing your wrist gently, pulling it towards him. "(Y/n)? What happened?" He asked, concern clear in his voice.

You looked at him, the look in your eyes deciding weather or not to tell the truth. "I-If its any condolence, It was years ago, and I haven't done it since then. I was at such a low point and I regret it, but I have to live with it now."

"Can I..?" He asked, slightly pushing your sleeve back. You nodded while looking to the side, not wanting to meet his gaze. Pushing it back as far as it would go, he gently traced his thumb over some of them. He gently lifted your wrist to his lips, gently placing a kiss on one of them. You looked at him when he spoke again.

"Promise me, promise me you wont do this again, please?"

"I... I promise." You said, him pulling you into a hug.

"Thank you."

Sitting back up after the hug, you scooted over slightly, leaning on him slightly as the game continued, you realized something.

'You're falling harder for him.'



completed at 1:17 am, 2/12/22 - I'm going to bed now, good night!

ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 (Transmasc! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now