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After the family had arrived back to the house, (Y/n) went to his room, claiming he had some things he needed to edit. He wasn't entirely lying, he was going to go edit after he checked twitter.

Sitting down in the poorly built office chair he had, he pulled out his phone and went to twitter. Opening the dms, he read out what had been sent to him.

(Alright, bare with me here, I'm doing this via computer so they're gonna look ass)

Messages with @TheDooo 

Hey! me and some friends are looking for a fourth this Friday and were wondering if you wanted to join? We're playing Phasmaphobia (6:31 pm)

(7:52) Sure, I don't see why not. Would it be alright if I recorded as well?

Ofc dude! (7:53)


He wasn't expecting such a quick response for responding an hour after the first message had been sent. Looking at the clock, he spun the chair around to face his computer. Dragging the omegle footage he had gathered from the past week, hoping that his parents wouldn't walk in while he edited out some guy jerking it.

Losing track of time, the video was done within 3 hours and now he just needed to get a good thumbnail. After sitting in his chair for a bit, he realized it was almost midnight and if he was going to at least try and have a good schedule, he needed sleep. Saving everything, he powered off his computer and plugged in his phone on his bedside table. Switching into a baggy shirt and some sweats, he slipped into bed and fell asleep.

*-=Time skip to Friday=-*

The days seemed to pass quickly, the schedule of waking up at 8, working from 8:30 to 12, either streaming or recording for a few hours, editing, sleep. Sure, he could hire an editor, but he wanted to try and conserve money. Every cent was a step closer to being out of the house.

Work that day was ok, he barely dodged some old Karen throwing her coffee at him in frustration, the regular. Sitting in the office chair, scrolling through his phone, discord opened on his monitor. Dooo had asked for his discord ID so he could be added to a channel for the game they were playing, which he had been told was Phasmaphobia. 

A ping was heard through his headset as he was dragged into a voice channel as he could hear 2 people, who's voices he couldn't recognize, chatting with each other. "And... There. Egg? Can you hear everything ok?" Dooo asked. Clicking a few things and making sure he was unmuted before he spoke. "Yup, everything sounds good on my end. Can you guys hear me fine?" He asked. Various noises of confirmation were heard as he opened up his game and was sent a game code to join the lobby.

"Anyways, Guy's, this is Egg, otherwise known as, uh-" he said. "(Y/n), don't think I ever said my name," He said with a chuckle. "Right, (Y/n), these are the guys! Minus Mcnasty, he's out sick," Dooo said as he joined into the game with the other two. "These guys are Blarg, or Matt, and Soup, say hello guys," He said as they both introduced themselves, one more southern sounding than the other.

As Soup and Blarg started their stream, everyone had loaded into the game and this were going smoothly for the first few rounds, either one person or nobody dying. That was until the 5th building.

"Alright, the ghosts name is 'Thomas Gayle', It's more active when in groups so try to stick together." Matt said as everybody grabbed their things to head into the Prison. "Wait, did you say 'Gayle'?" (Y/n) asked grabbing the EMF. "Uh, Yeah, why do you ask?" He said as the doors opened and everyone walked in. "I've got a bone to pick with this guy, HEY THOMAS! YOUR WIFE KILLED ME TWO WEEKS AGO IM HERE TO GET REVENGE YOU SUNOVABITCH! GET OUT HERE IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" He said, running off into the building still shouting obscenities at the digital ghost as the group laughs, and Matt runs after, him, also screaming.

While catching up to him, (Y/n) shouted while entering a laundry room. "Coward! Get out here and fight me!" While letting out a prolonged shout, the EMF went off at a five. The shouting turned into a scream which was cut short as a cracking noise was heard followed by a thud and a groan, before it was cut off and his body fell to the ground. Matt laughed as his chat spammed 'F' and 'rip' as he went to find the others. "Hey guys, (Y/n)'s Dead," He said still laughing slightly. 

After the round ended and they all spawned back in the lobby, Matt asked, "Hey, (Y/n), what broke? I heard something crack before you died."

"Oh, that was my chair. I'm standing now."



ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 (Transmasc! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now