Life continues

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Hey y'all please talk to me! I'm kind of losing interest in this story! I just want one comment, thanks for reading. 

Percy Pov: 

After I shrugged and said, "I have no idea." all Hades broke out many people were saying how they didn't trust me and all these accusations. I cut everyone off, "Can we please just get to the prophecy?" Malcom shrugged, "Okay, your right, but at the same time how can we trust you?"

Nico from the shadows speaks up, "I trust him with my life, and if y'all can't trust me think about the last time you didn't trust me and how it ended. Percy is probably hurt and depressed cause of your choses." There were many cries of protest, "Nico, we all know we do not speak his name!" Katie said, from the corner of my eyes I see Piper and Jason crying and Leo trying so hard not to cry. "Why?" Nico questions, "Because it's hard to think of the crap you sent him away with? Think how much harder HIS life is. Stop being selfish and looking towards the past of the memories of you having a good time with him. Cause he was having a good time with Annabeth, not just us, and guess what, you blamed him for his fatal flaw of loyalty, no I'm not the crazy one here you all are! Do you know how long it took Percy to get past his PTSD? So, he could be strong enough to not have flashbacks every single day three or four times? No, so stop thinking you are all forgiven if he just came back!"

With that Nico ran out the door, me and Will were about to stand up and leave when Jason yelled, "Wait, Nico found Percy?" Will turned around like he knew exactly this was going to come up eventually. "When you all were believing Bransons lies, Nico and I tried to find Percy. We found him. Thats how we meet Hunter. Percy was training him. Percy was not in the best condition. Hunter stay here talk about the prophecy, I'll talk to Nico." I nod and sit back down. "So," I begin "We all know the prophecy, in case you forgot its

Only one can bring the victory to Olympus

With the help of mystery and his moral compass

With a choice to reveal his fallen past

One may die making the war be over fast

There's not much to talk about when there's an opening for the one to sacrifice their life, they should do it I guess. I need to clear my mind, see you later." I say fire traveling out of there I needed a run. I run around camp multiple times and stop on the beach. I take a seat thinking and staring out into the ocean. I then feel Apollo teleport a few feet away from me. "I'm guessing you're not here to tell me welcome back." I said Apollo sits next to me, "Nah, Per.. Hunter, I'm here for two reasons, Zues wants you on Olympus Artemis told him they found you not your identity though. I just wanted you to mentally prepare yourself and may I ask a favor from you?"

I smile, "Go ahead you're the only one who truly believed me." Apollo smiles, "Not the only one. Hunter, is anyone around?" I use water molecules in the air to sense people around us. "Not at the moment, there's two people walking this way 50 feet from here." 

"I'll make this fast then, please forgive your father he didn't believe your whole betrayal to Olympus, and he's been really weak right now." I smile sadly, "Who else? Like whom else believed me?"

"Well Hades and Hestia but there not on the council, (He never got any wish or anything after BOO, all immortal activity was given after he left.) and me, Artemis, Poseidon, Hermes and Aphrodite, she was actually really depressed after her favorite ship or what couldn't be together anymore or something."

I smile, "I forgive him, wait Demeter didn't believe me?" Apollo laughed, "Ya sometime like she believed you, but you stopped eating cereal after your..." He paused I knew he was going to say mothers' death, "before you disappeared, or something." I smile I was lowkey okay with that because know I have an excuse to still not eat cereal. "Shall we go to Olympus?" I asked standing up. Apollo smiles, "We shall." With that he grabs my hand and in a blinding light I am standing hand and hand with Apollo in a half empty Olympian council room.

To Alaska, Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now