Meeting χαμένος

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This is a new me, so new beginning paragraph! 


Artemis Pov: Man, this guy sucks, but not because all men do, (because they do!) But because he is so hard to track down. Every time we pick up on him, I feel him so close but then he vanishes without a trace! I wouldn't be surprised if this mystery person was actually a girl in disguise because this person had skills like the hunt. So obviously she had to be in at one point, right? 

   After months of tracking, I set a trap, an already hunter we just found and a hunter acting like an abuser. We thought this was perfect to trap this person. We put a sticky substance on the ground so if they do escape it would be easier to track who ever this person was down. We didn't wait long till he landed from a tree down. "Hey," he yelled, "Get away from her." The older hunter was facing with their back away from the tall, cloaked man. "Or what?" the hunter said still putting on the act. "Or I'll watch you die from the hunters themselves. Wait..." with that he jumped up and grabbed a branch, "Nice to be in the presence of the hunters again, I'll be seeing you soon Artemis." with that he started to swing using the treetops. No wonder it was hard to track him he was Tarzan. I look over at Thalia, "Go, go, go!" The hunters followed closely as I ran and flowed the substance left on his shoes there were only bits and pieces that came off while he swung but we managed to follow. 

We followed for days, finally making it to Alaska. That could only mean one thing. Ladys keep going I'm going to report back to Olympus. 

Once I teleported outside Olympus's throne room, I walked in an opened the door. I look up to be meet by my father's eyes, "Father, we know where he is" That simply phrase made his face light up. 

"Who? The traitor? The mystery man? Who?" He started to shrink down from his throne.

"The mystery man is in Alaska. I will go by myself with some of my hunters to help detain him." My father nodded his head slowly. 

"Just be careful." 

"Will do" I said already walking out of the throne room to flash away.

In matter of seconds, I was teleported outside of Alaksa, with some help I was able to track down the rest of my hunters. 

 I am back with my hunt. They all look at me they kept my orders and kept going throughout Alaska. Thalia comes up to me, "malady, we tracked him down a mile straight from here. We thought to set up camp away from his house as a precaution. We have people guarding his house as another precaution." 

I nod my head in thanks, "Thanks Thalia." 

Thalia looked at me, "May I have permission to go out into the woods?"

This didn't surprise me, ever since Thalia realized Percy never killed Annabeth. She was so mad at everyone who came close. Annabeth was a sister to Thalia and Nico wouldn't talk to Thalia after she confessed to hating Percy. So, all her cousins were, missing or didn't want to take to her. So, most of the time she helped out and then went to sit in the woods to think.

"Thalia I would feel a lot better if you stayed close maybe help guard the house. It will give you privacy while I check out the house and it would make me with in rage to hear for an attack. I am beyond my power, so we are all weaker here. So, let's not stay long ladies." Saying the last part louder so everyone would hear me. Thalia gave me a nod and I motioned for her to lead the way. 

A couple minutes later we were at a big wooden house. Thalia came in close and whispered, "All be in the back, call if you need me. Good luck!" she said as she walked off. I took a deep breath in and out and started slowly walking to the door. 

Thalia Pov: (Bet you were not expected this till later, but I have a little surprise for you.)

I was getting better. I stopped having really bad days. If I stopped focusing on the past, then I would not be in this mess in the first place. I really did blame myself for Percy having to flee. I understand he needed to get away from the gods before they punished him to death or something. I secretly knew Nico and Will still had contact with him. They would never tell me anymore and I understand. They would take messages to him from me. Most though just were me apologizing, I knew there was no good excuse for me to believe that Branson kid, but I was so overcome with grief I needed to blame someone. I told Will and Nico multiple times to take a message saying the gods don't want to kill you. They know the truth now. You can come out of hiding now Percy. But every time they would come back with, he still feels betrayed and plus he likes his life and feels like he will be seeing you soon. 

Back to the present, I was walking to the back of the cabin. I had my bow out just in case, but it was laying lazily on my lap, once I found a place to sit and relax. I sat there taking in the beautiful nature of surroundings, it was a little cold not too bad. I look around in awe. Out of nowhere I heard above me a deep voice, "The view, it still takes my breath away." I look up to find the mystery man above me. I felt this weird calm around him, I left my bow on my lap. The mystery man was swinging his legs as he sat on the branch of a tree. "You see this every day?" I respond

The guy laughed, "Yup" he said popping the p'

"It was nice talking, but I got to go before Artemis shoots one of my puppies." I said with a smile. I couldn't contain my smile, "You have puppies? Can I hold one?" 

He laughed, "Ya, I'll go grab one. Just don't let it leave your hand. Still training them to not run off once there free." He swung from the tree. I was mostly surprised when he actually came back with a black puppy. I held out my hand to take the puppy and he smile at me. "Take care of her. I should be going. I'll be back though." He was so trusting of me to allow me to hold his puppy he got up to leave. "Wait!" I yelled at him. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me, "What's her name?" I gave a small nod to the puppy in my hand. I saw as his smile wavered a little, "Zoe" he replied and ran off. After hearing this puppy's name, I knew exactly what to do. I protected the puppy with my life as I played with it. 

(1256 Words)

I was not expecting to write about the dog's name, but it felt right. So, since it felt so right for me to do, I know some of you needed to hear it. Thanks for ready have and awesome New Years! It was nice to have this small connection with yall love my 2021 self! 

Peace out from a fellow Percy Jackson Fan! (;

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