Hey Pinecone face

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I am not in the mood to say this. But here we go. I do not own Percy Jackson.

Percy's Pov: Me and Artemis sat catching up about a few things. We were talking for about five minutes when Artemis asks. "What's the locked room for?" 

I smile a little, "Follow me I'll show you." I walk over to the lock room, the only room that shows my true identity, and walk in. In the room was my collection of different ideas Will and Nico got me from camp. On the wall was my, minotaur horn, photos of me and the seven and others, and pictures of Annabeth. Also on the wall was a ton of different weapons I collected over the years, in the middle of the room was a table with drawers. In the drawers were multiple papers and documents I got over the years, quests gave me some fliers I kept for memory and things like that. On the top of the table was maps of everywhere I explored. Maps from the very beginning, like a map of the water park where me and Annabeth rode the ride of love together. I smile at her memory.

Behind me Artemis stops, "Wow, this is amazing!" I smile at her, "Kind of happens when you have been in as many places as I have. You can have a look around; I probably should go check on Thalia I kind of left a puppy with her."

"It's okay, I'm good. I'll come with you though so that we can get going and leave." she turns around to leave, "I never knew you knew magic, Per... Hunter" 

"Ya, learned over the years." We walk out of the room, and I make sure I can still feel the magic over the room. If someone, somehow, finds a way to open the room, it might ruin the life I built. 

Me and Artemis walk outside to the back. When I see Thalia, I was about to laugh so hard. Standing there was an empty-handed Thalia. She probably let the puppy go and Zoe ran off. She doesn't have a slight clue that everything is fine, and Zoe is probably just back with her mother Mrs. O'leary. I walk over, looking as mean as I can. 

"Where is Zoe?" I yell making me sound angry.

"Um. I'm so sorry. Zoe scratch me and I let go, she then ran off into a bush and was gone. I'm so... so... so sorry!" 

I burst out laughing I could not hold it in, "Its fine, sorry I just wanted to mess with you. It's actually really fine Thalia. Zoe is probably back with her mom. A while ago, Mrs. O'leary left for a while and came back pregnant. Ever since her puppies were born, she would not allow her puppies to be further than a mile radius around us. Protective mother she is. I don't want her to be mad, so I better go check to make sure Zoe returned safely." I say as I start running off.

"Wait!" Thalia yells, this is the second time she told me to wait up as I run back into my house. I turn around.

"Who are you?" she asks,

"You know who I am Thales, don't beat yourself too hard. I forgive you; I really do. Annabeth was a sister to you, and you had to blame someone. See you in a little bit, Cuz." I give her a small smile. Preparing myself to get a major beating from Thalia later.

Thalia Pov: I would have killed Percy right then and there! Are you kidding me! It shouldn't be too much of a surprise. He was helping other demigods, a good person. I was still furious though, thirteen years, why would he hide in Alaska the gods forgave him. If Artemis was not there I would have probably exploded. 

"He's not completely broken, Thalia." Artemis began, "I talked to him, and it sounds like he has started to accept and get past Annabeth. He also has this power aura around him that I can't seem to shake. I can tell he is partial immortal, which I can't seem to understand how he got it."

"Ya, I felt his power too. I'm kind of afraid to break him again. You know, I still don't forgive myself for thinking he did it. I don't want to be the one to push him over the edge again."

Artemis was about to speak but stopped when she noticed Percy walking up slowly with a backpack over his shoulder. "Zoe's safe with her mom. I am ready to go as soon as you both are ready."

"Perseus Jackson, you finally show yourself and you think you can change subjects?" He winces at his real name. 

"I won't judge, pinecone face." he opens his arms wide. I run into his open arms and hug him. I then shock him a little bit. Hey, no judgement he deserved it. "Ya, I deserve that." I was so surprised when he didn't even flitch at the lightning. I walk over to my bow and pick it up. 

As we walk were mostly quiet until Percy speaks up, "Hey Thailia, can you call me Hunter. I'm not seeking my old life back and I'll reveal when I'm ready." I nod, I understand the feeling of trying to hide from your past. 

Percy promised Artemis he'll meet her, at the camp in a week by the pine tree. I guess he had no interest in traveling with man-hating women. He also promised me, to walk me to camp so that we could catch up on different life things. When we got to camp it was really weird. A lot of the younger hunters ran up to him hugging him. "Hey, you came back like you promised!" One girl said, "Why you here, are you in some kind of trouble?" Another girl asked, "Are you here to help in the war? Are you still saving others who were abused?" Over the sound of multiple girl's, I thought he would just walk and leave but he kneeled. "Hey girls, long time no see. Sophia you should know that I keep my promises. Ally, you could say I'm in trouble. I always am in some kind of pickle." He stopped and winked all the girls laughed like an inside joke was happening. "Of course, I'm here to help with the war, to save the one's that saved me." Another round of laughs and then some of the younger girls said, "Um... No silly, you saved me. No, you saved us!" She spoke looking around. "No, you girls saved me! I'll be taking a break though to help with the war and then I'll be back at saving others out there, okay?" They all looked a little disappointed.

"I'll see you girls in a few days, okay? We'll all meet at Camp Half-Blood and then we can all catch up. Is that okay?" They look really sad. Sophia spoke first, "Okay." She ran at him followed by multiple girls hugging him. "Be safe." Another small girl said. As they broke up the hug, I saw a few younger hunters whipping tears away. "That was really cute girls, but you all have chores and training to do, so shoo!" Artemis said as she started to shoo the younger hunters, "Bye, lost see you later!" Some of the hunters said as they left.

Percy smiled and then stood up. "See you girls!" He said smiling, he then turned to me and Artemis, "See you later Thal's, stay safe please. See you later Lady Artemis." He said bowing and then ran off. Artemis spoke first as we both stared in the direction Percy ran off in, "Ugg, Men." she said. We both started laughing, Artemis put her arm around me, and I did the same as we walked into the camp, while the sun went down. The first day in thirteen years I felt, the weight of the world off my shoulders. 

(1334 Words)

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you could picture the ending because I surely did! I hope you all enjoyed a new chapter for the New Year! 2022 is finally here. I know I updated exactly 12 hours ago but I thought why not! The people want it! Thanks again!

Peace out from a fellow Percy Jackson Fans! (: 

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