What happened to my Followers?

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This is a question we've all asked ourselves before. Whether it was last month, last year or even yesterday. This is a question that has at least crossed your mind before.

And I'm finally going to tell you what happened to your followers. This is per my observation and hypothesis (yes, I'm talking science now)

If you can speak in English, Urdu, Mandarin, Tagalog or even Spanish, I should be able to talk Science too.

P. S. What language do you speak?

There are three types of people who push their followers away. And they are;

Type A: The Loud Speaker / Talkative

These are users who turn their message box into their personal blogging site. Yes, we all know it's your account and no one should tell you how to manage it. We can all see that, but would you please give us a break?

Not everyone cares about that plain old fish you saw at the zoo, or how the traffic you experienced on your way to school, or how hot the coffee you prepared this morning felt. Not everyone gives a shit about your lifestyle choices or movie options.

This sometimes annoys the crap out of some people and it usually makes them visit your account just to repress that follow button so they can unfollow you. And such people always do so without thinking twice. Yes, I said they do so without thinking twice. Others actually stick around with the assumption that you might suddenly shut up one day, but when that day never comes, they also pack their bags and leave.

I'm not telling you to act mute henceforth on your account. Just minimize the amount of rubbish you post on your message box. Yes, some people actually consider your words as rubbish, and so do I.

Type B: The Overly Sensitive

These are the emo type of people. They turn their message post into a therapy center or a peer counselling session, hoping to receive all the answers to their problems. Some of these problems are sometimes made up. These people just want some attention since they aren't receiving it in the real world.

If you feel shy to share your problems with your parents or close friends, I suggest you share them with a trusted relative or an adult you trust. This adult could be your neighbour or even your teacher.

Just because your real identify is hidden doesn't mean you should highlight your problems on the site. You don't see people sharing their problems with their followers on Instagram or on YouTube or on the other social media platforms you use every day. Heck! You don't even see people sharing their problems through dating apps like Tinder. Fine, you claim Wattpad isn't a social media. Similarly, Wattpad isn't an app dedicated to solving your everyday problems. We're here to read books and find ourselves in them, not read your problems as you push them down our throat every week.

Majority of your followers don't even care after reading such posts from you because they are already dealing with such caliber of people in the real world, and the few who responded to your post are probably 13-year-olds and 17-year-olds who felt an ounce of pity after reading your problem, these individuals are not even life coach experts. Hence, your problem of the day is only solved temporarily and not permanently.

Type C: The Fighter / Augumentator

In the eyes of these Wattpad users, they are never wrong. They are always the first to give quick responses to posts that appear in their notifications, and these responses always end up in arguments. Yes, you heard me right. Arguments.

To an extent, some of these users sometimes even create new accounts after they've been blocked just to stalk, harrass and continue what they started with the other person. 

Tell me, don't you every get tired of sparking arguments?

When other followers get to know of this behaviour of yours, they immediately unfollow you without a second thought. Some people even chose to unfollow you simply because a friend they know is also following the person you started that argument with.

Be mindful of your words. People are secretly watching 👀

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