"Well let's go and mingle with some people" ino said walking into the kitchen with the girls following her

"Sakura you coming" tenten asked

"you guys go ahead ima go try and find the bathroom I'll find y'all when I'm done" she nodded and walked away I sighed and started making my way through the crowd of hyperactive college kids trying to find the nearest bathroom

I walked upstairs and into a hallway with a bunch of doors "great" I whispered how was I supposed to find the bathroom now this place is huge and I really have to pee I started walking through the hallway ignoring all the moans coming from the rooms I pasted I was walking when suddenly I bumped into someone "ouch" I said as I fell on the floor

"I'm sorry are you ok? Here let me help you" a voice said I looked up to see a boy holding out his hand I took it and he pulled me to my feet

"sorry I wasn't watching where I was going plus walking in heels is kinda new for me" I said dusting off my dress and pulling it down some

"It's ok I should be careful to" he said I looked up and now I can see his face better he had black onyx eyes with matching long raven black hair that put into a low ponytail his jawline was so sharp you could probably cut glass with it not to mention how clean shaven it was it looked so smooth he kinda look similar to that guy matsuri told me about in the cafeteria earlier he just looked a little older I don't really remember his name all I remember is his last name uchiha I think "anyways what are you doing here all alone" he asked giving me a warm smile I blushed a little

"I -um I was trying to find the bathroom do you happen to where one is" I said looked at me and he chuckled

"yeah I just came from it continue walking down this hallway and make a right you should see a door with a red sign that says "female cats" that's the women's room"

I tried to hold back a laugh but couldn't "female cats?" I said laughing which caused him to laugh to

"yeah whoever's runs this sorority must like cats" he said as he laughed his laugh was so clamming and adorable it's definitely different from his voice his voice was deep almost scary but I didn't mind it

"reminds me of one of my roommates" I said

"really" he said

"yeah she likes cats too" I said laughing

"well I better head back downstairs my friends and brother is probably wondering where I am it was nice talking to pinky" he said as walked away and disappeared around the corner

"you too stranger" I shouted

After walking for about 5 minutes I was met with a big red sign that said -female cats- I giggled to myself "looks like he wasn't joking" I said walking inside the bathroom

Once I opened the door and I was inside I was met by four girls doing their makeup in the mirror once they heard the door open they all stopped and turned to me they looked at me disgustingly for a while then continued on doing their makeup

I walked to one of the stalls completely weirded out by what just happened I sat down and proceeded to use the bathroom

*Hinata's POV*

After walking inside the party fuu greeted us by the door and after conversing for some minutes she left with matsuri

"I'll be right back you guys go and enjoy yourselves but don't get too crazy okay" she said before leaving

"well let's go and mingle with some people" ino said walking to the kitchen with us following behind

"Sakura you coming?" tenten asked my pink haired friend

~𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙰𝙳𝚄𝙻𝚃𝙷𝙾𝙾𝙳~  *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now