2 - Elijah

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There's a knock on the front door. "Cayson, go get the door. These guys are pissing me off." I say, stressed in my office. He goes to answer the door and I can hear his deep voice chatting it up with someone at the door. After I get out of my meeting, I storm downstairs, fuming. "Who's at the door, Cayson?" I yell.

"Some chick." he says.

I push him out of the way and there's a woman standing there. She's the one I chose to be my surrogate. She just stands there in the doorway, looking up at me with her eyebrow arched. Frustrated, I sigh. "You're.. Layla, right?" I say, not quite remembering her name. But I could care less about what the hell her name is.

"It's Leilah." she spits back, correcting me.

So she's not afraid to talk back? I'm gonna have a field day with this one. I let her in and she steps inside, looking around the house and up the staircase.

"You'll be packing your things and coming to live here with me during your pregnancy. I expect for this to happen tomorrow- not a moment before or later."

Her eyes go wide.

"What? Living with you?" she says unbelievingly.

"Of course." I say in an obvious tone.

"I barely know you." she shoots back.

"Yet you decided to carry my kid."

She looks me up and down and scoffs. I look her up and down as well, taking in her features.

"No." she says suddenly.

"What?" I say, caught off guard.

"No." she repeats, raising her voice.

I roll my eyes.

"There's no other choice. I'm not going to argue about this. If you won't come by will, I'll take you by force. Have a nice day." I say, turning around, my eyes landing on a maid. "Get her room ready, Mary." I demand, going up to my room. I look into my closet and I get ou a suitcase filled with drugs. Then I pick up my phone to dial a number and it picks up almost automatically. "I hope you've got my money." I say, pulling out a gun from my nightstand.

"I have it. Just as long as you have what I asked for." he says back, sounding like he's threatening me.

"Don't bullshit me." I say, anger instantly taking me over. "It's all here. Promise me you've got every fucking penny."

"I have it all, Moreno." he says, sounding bored.

Get a load of this bullshit.

"Good. I'll be meeting you in three hours to do the exchange." I say, putting my gun back. "And the next time you threaten me with my money, I'll blow your face in." I say angrily. Then I hang up the phone, stuffing it into my pocket.

I head downstairs with the suitcase and Cayson stops me at the door. "Where are you headed?" he asks with his hand on my chest.

I push his hand off me, walking to the door. I hate it when people touch me, family or not. "I'm going to handle business." I say, walking out the door with him trailing behind me.

MR. MORENO'S SURROGATE ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum